Thunder, I just came back from my Hi-Def CT Scan (with dye.) It is confirmed ... I am a freak of nature. I DO NOT have a left-side gonadal vein (ISV.) They have a perfectly clear picture of all these...
Thunder, Dave, Well, I did not have a very good day. I went to my procedure at Penn, which if you recall, was to go occlude the left-side ISV after having the right side done a month ago, and having...
Thunder, My procedure is being done at University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, I don't know the cost, because it is fully covered by insurance less a small co-pay;...
Dave, Thunder, about sclerotizing agents vs coils, I checked around, and from what I can tell, it could truly be a matter of the specific doctor's preference. But that's just a guess. I think since...
Thunder, What a great, detailed report and theory about pre- and post- procedure effects! I've been wondering about that all this time (I'm now around 3 weeks post-NON-GG-right-side-only ISV...
Dave, I saw the Doctor yesterday, in preparation for my left-side procedure in two weeks. I tried to diagram below, in a crude way, the insertion of the coils (not sure how it will look at your end.)...
Thunder, On Sept 25, I go in to get the left side done. I guess the thing that worries me most about your "week 5" post is that you're leaning towards thinking "GG and prostatitis are probably not...
Thunder, Well, I'm sorry to say, I feel your pain. A week or so ago, I was so excited, since when I got only the right side of my varicocele fixed (NOT G-G) all my previous pain and discomfort had...
Dave, Excellent post about each of us searching for solutions to our own individual problems! At one of the Urologists I went to, I was in the office with the nurse for 20 minutes answering 100...
Dave, Great observation on my email with Dr. Gat! I thought exactly the same thing ... I read and re-read my email to him, thinking "Did he misunderstand my question?" Just a thought: I know that...
Dave, As far as I know, there isn't any special technical name for the procedure I had. I may have overemphasized the Italian connection ... I'm pretty sure what was learned there were finer points....
Chicago Dave: Actually, I saw both a surgeon (a micro-surgery specialist) who has repaired many varicoceles as well as the Interventional Radiologist. I made the decision to go with IR just based on...
Hello,I am new to this forum, but have been lurking for many months. Let me start off by saying that I have been conditioned to assume (maybe unfairly) that everything posted on any internet forum is...