Glad you're on the road to recovery. It gets better every day. Shoulda tried some real coffee myself, decaf doesn't get it....
As many have stated before, whatever decision you make, you have to own it. I chose the surgery and don't regret it. Others have made the same or other choices and are fine with their decision. The...
Dang, mine's a walk-behind....
Congrats on your success and hopes for many more low numbers. Steve...
Had my first PSA follow-up this morning and joined the zero club. Woohoo. Proud to be a new member....
Congrats to you. Just had my first post op one yesterday, no result yet and nervous....
Nice thoughts Alf....
Sweet, over five 5yrs is great. Congrats...
Hey Turp, Good news all around. I've seen posts here that guys played in 3 weeks but I don't recommend it. My RALP was 4 weeks yesterday. My doc said no golf for 6 weeks but chipping was ok after 4....
I had robotic, was in hospital a total of 30 hours. Pain in abdomen from 6 incisions needed meds for about 2 days, catheter out in 6 days. Mostly continent, but some days are a little drippy. I felt...
It's a tough decision for sure. I, like others, just wanted it out and was more comfortable with that. 12 days post surgery I am 98% dry, one pad or less per day, and working on the ED. Same age as...
Hey folks, Had RALP on 04/04 and was astonished when the surgeon scheduled a cystogram and appt on 04/10. Cysto was great, no leaks. Saw doc a few hours later and the nurse pulled that hose out of my...
David, I'm so sorry to hear of your status. I wish you the very best and hope that you can find some comfort as you struggle through this. Steve...
Thanks for the thoughts, advice and suggestions folks. Surgery in ten hours or so. Will let you know how it goes....
Thanks folks, will give you an update this weekend perhaps....
One brother had the RALP and is doing pretty well after about 4 months, the other two are still reviewing options. I'm ready to move on....
Hey folks, I've been trolling the site for a few weeks and have learned a lot. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences. Was diagnosed 2/13 and have been studying this disease for a while. I...