Zytiga didn't work, Zandi didn't work. Now the Doc wants to try Provenge. Any guys out there that did this course of treatment. Please advise. Thank. CPOSTED...
I went on Zytiga in May 2015. I just came off of it. Absolutely no effect, my psa's were in the 20's now they are in the 70's. Also my alkaline phosphatase are above 400. Make sure they monitor your...
2004 G7/t2c pre-op, After robotic RPE it was G6 (?) I've been through the gauntlet. Now after 11 years and my PSA at 70 and bone mets I am scheduled for Taxotere next week. I guess everyone is...
Thanks so very much for the great info. As far as the G6 goes my initial biopsy score was a G7. After the robotic RP they of course did another from the actual organ and came up with a G6, beats me...
Gleason 6, T2C. Looks like all that I have been through since 2004 is coming to the grand finale. 2005 Robotic RPE, 2009 IMRT Radiation, 2012 Orchiectomy, 2014 Ketoconazole with Prednisone (hardly...
Has anyone out there tried the Budwig diet? RETCPO...
Another PSA yesterday. Still on the rise, increased +10 in two weeks. Been on Zytiga since May, the Zytiga has absolutely no effect on me, except my liver, alkaline phosphatase is now in the 400's....
Please share any experiences while taking Zytiga/aberaterone. Been taking it since May 2015 and my PSA's are still rocketing out of site. Thanks CPOSTED...
Always remember you are the consumer. It is really no different than buying a loaf of bread. If the product is unsatisfactory seek another provider. I am currently in the same boat and in the process...
Thank you so very much for the reply. It is encouraging. My Doc never alluded to this. Good luck and God Bless!...
Has anyone else had this issue? Started Zytiga in June 2015. Two months later had a follow up PSA blood draw. Instead of my PSA's going down the doubled from 24-57. I am totally frustrated. Doc wants...