thank you so much Allen..... I will copy and paste this for him. you all have been very helpful....
My brother had a RP in September He is experiencing pain in his penis,especially when bending over. He also says it retracts. He also notes that it is always cold( his penis) not the weather. Has...
I am sorry to hear this about your hubby. My dad had prostrate cancer and now my big brother. His Gleason same as your husbands. He had surgery and is about to start hormones. I am doing lots of...
this is good news.... What a good way to usher in the new year!...
He has not started hormone therapy yet. Poor guy has had a miserable time. He had a fall just before his biopsy and had to have screws placed in hip. So he was on crutches during surgery. He then had...
You guys are a great help. He will be going on hormones and has the option for a clinical trial,he has had several bone and CT scans. He is considering salvage radiation if the PSA is coming from the...
My brother is 64 and had a radical prostraectomy in August. His first post op PSA was 3.07 in November December it was 3.55 December bone scan was was cat scan He had positive margins and...