Hey Beth, Thank you for the welcome. I hope Todd1963 has found the correct spot to inject by now! LOL It might be difficult to walk around stiff legged for a couple of hours. I am not having any...
Please help me understand my prescription. The Pharmacist tried, but I zoned out after he started because he confused the crap out of me and I was in a hurry cause I had to be at work. This is my...
Hey Northern Lights, I will be switching from bimix to trimix. Glad to hear you have your dialed in and hoping mine will be soon. I am still wondering about how much anxiety plays in killing a boner....
How much does anxiety/adrenaline play in killing an erection. I do have some anxiety before I inject and it only gets to about a 5 on hardness. The last dose of bimix I used was .80ml and was usable...
Hey BillyBob, Sorry to hear you had so much trouble. What kind of pain is it? Is it unbearable or just a "pain" to be in pain? I am only 51 and no where near ready to give up, pain or not so that is...
Just talked with the nurse from the doctors office and he said to continue to increase by .10ml until you get a 20-60 minute erection. If I get to 1.0ml, stop, and call them. :O...
Hello Jimat53, That is great to hear about the pain. I have read where a lot of men have the pain, but I am usually the one that is not the normal one. LOL I just got off the phone with the Doc's...
Hello RCS, Thank you for taking the time to post this. I will definitely read it. I have just started with the "stick a willy" program so Bimix is the only thing I have tried so far. I wanted to...
Hey Gedman, My Uro told me to increase by .10 until I reached the desired effect. Now with that said, I did .40 today with basically very little response, but did get a response with stimulation but...
Hey Jeff, Thanks for the pep talk. I kinda figured that it what it was, but is nice to hear from someone else. Experience tends to lend a hand at these things vs. book learning ie patient vs. doctor....
Hey Y'all, Well. here it goes. I need some advice/pep talk. Tried my first test dose of Bimix (.20ml - 30:1) on Tuesday at home and it was so hard a cat could not scratch it for about 5 min and then...
Can someone point me to a bimix thread. Cannot find it....
Hey BillyBob@388, He will at times rise to the occasion so he is not "dead as a door nail." :) My doctor said to start at .2ml but after reading some posts, I am wondering if that is too much to...
Hey Y'all, I have been reading these threads on the use of Bimix and Trimix for a few weeks now. I have a fresh vial in the refrigerator and have not had the "opportunity" to try it...yet, but...