Thank you for the input and for that link. I took a few days off. Will read today. I don't know if this is a good decision or a bad one, but it's my husband's decision. He comes home from work and...
We have a doc, a treatment plan, and possibly a clinical trial. We are going with EBRT and ADT, no surgery. Doc is Matthew Abramowitz at Sylvester at University of Miami. He did residency at Fox...
I know that scan. I read about it. I want it. We are probably going to treat as if he has lymph node involvement anyway, if Doc agrees. My husband is an engineer. A numbers guy. Those nomograms spoke...
Thank you again, everyone. Update: We saw Dr. Mantz yesterday. He is the first doc I have ever known to walk us outside to the parking lot. In addition to that, he spent 1.5 hours with us in deep...
When you say "get him on lupron and/or casodex'...who would do that? Would radiation oncologist do that tomorrow? Tall Allen, no worries on the aside. I like it....
OKay, thank you. It makes sense after everything I have read. We will ask about that tomorrow. I feel like I just got gut-punched. Husband absorbing it all while at work, so it is likely worse from...
JHU Dr. Epstein just faxed his pathology impressions back... Has my husband at 4 Gleason 9s, and two 4+3=7. Dammit....
Thank you! We are seeing Mantz tomorrow. I appreciate ALL input from everyone. Will post updates....
This study that Tall_Allen included in a previous post is very impressive. It shows that the use of EBRT +BT has notably...
For general information, in case this thread helps anyone else, Constantine Mantz sees patients only at Fort Meyers, FL location. Probably why our surgeon did not recommend him for consultation. I am...
Thank you Tall Allen. We live near Plantation, FL. Our urologist is part of 21st Century Oncology somehow. We get billing from there. When he mumbled something about radiology, he gave us the card...
Thank you. I just contacted Dr. Dattoli's office. They have already contacted me and we are in line for a consultation. Getting more and more confused, now that I think back on how some of the things...
I posted without a title a few days ago, so I thought I would start fresh. My husband was diagnosed one week ago. Overall Gleason 8, with a PSA of 24.5. Pain in groin. The cancer is only in all six...
Thank you, Alephnull . I was going to ask doctor about that. He is running 45 minutes late, so I am taking the time to go over my list of questions. Going to look at y'alls sticky threads now that I...
Thank you, everyone. You have shared such helpful information. I am going over the links and all replies with my hubby. Allen, your PC blog is wonderful. We are meeting goes with the disgnosing...
Thank you!!! Vonnegut fan here. I'm a writer, but not Sci Fi. Never say never, though. 😂 Thank you for your input. Michael_Turner, how are you doing now?...
Thank you! Will check that out. We had bone scan and CT scan done Friday. Results Monday afternoon. Will update....
Thank you, George. My ignorance was causing emotions I don't want. There's enough gowing on. Good to know. Back in August when we found out about the PSA, I started info gatherIng, I ran into the...
Thank you! I saw another post a didn't have a title and thought, "I'll be sure bit to do that!" 😂 thank you. I will let the uro anger go. One less thing to hold onto. I need to keep my heart and...
Hi, New here. Posting for my husband with his permission. Newly diagnosed Monday. Age 54. Otherwise healthy. No meds. Bone scan and abdominal CT yesterday. PSA between 24 and 28 for past THREE MONTHS...