PSA holding steady I am pretty much symptom free. No pain, no bleeding, fully continent and physically active. Follow up PSA's are good (see below). For those of you in the moderate risk category as...
April 2016 It's been awhile so thought I would update the group on my progress. I did end up choosing cyberknife for the boost therapy and was happy with that decision. Getting up at night only once...
I did end up choosing this as my boost therapy along with 25 sessions of IMRT and the outcome was pretty good for me so far. 4 months post therapy my PSA was <0.1. Needless to say I'm pretty happy...
Culturelle probiotic and Benefiber both recommended by my dietitian helped settle down my GI tract post radiation. Good luck....
It's great to hear success stories. Thanks for that....
It's been awhile so thought I would update the group on my progress. I did end up choosing cyberknife for the boost therapy and was happy with that decision. Have now been off ADT for 5 weeks. Still...
I was on Casodex and Lupron for 4 months which just ended. Side effects included loss of libido, limp biscuit :tongue:, joint pain and frequent hot flashes especially at night. For those of you who...
Has anyone else noticed an increase in hot flashes following strenuous exercise? Went on a 5 mile hike the other day and started having hot flashes every half hour through the night. It won't stop me...
Hi Michael Here's an article written by docs at UCSF on Cyberknife boost outcomes I think they have been doing it for several years now. Thanks Allen,...
OK I ended up going with cyberknife for the boost. Worked out great. Had my final treatment today and I,m very glad we are done. I understand the side effects of the cyberknife may take some time to...
I started taking Flomax this week since I was getting up about 4 times a night and had a very weak stream. Weak stream solved but now getting up every hour with a full bladder. Anyone else had this...
Thanks Allen. I had some stomach upset with Naproxen. I do take Advil which strangely enough does not cause me any GI upset. It's a little late for the proctologist as I am already halfway through...
Just wanted to pass this along since it seems to be helping me. Maybe there are others that can benefit. In addition to the low fiber diet she also recommended the probiotic Culturelle and a soluble...
I really like the idea of the SBRT boost over the other two options but my concern is that it is new enough to only have a 5 year track record. I am being treated at UCSF and they have used it quite...
I am currently on Lupron and Casodex for the last 2 months. Scheduled to begin 5 weeks of IMRT next week. My RT will also include a boost therapy. The MD has pretty much given me a choice of LDR...
Many physicians are using 4 months of HT with radiation for moderate risk prostate cancer. Here's an article from UCSF that deals with the protocol....
You might find this helpful. I have been on Casodex and Lupron for 1 month now. So far no side effects but that may change....