Thanks for the input. I asked about radiation for the tumor in the lymph notes. Was told it would do More damage than good. Any input appreciated...
Hi Guys I'm 12 years in from my first confirmation of Prostate Cancer. PSA was 10.5 when discovered and had a 7.5 Gleason - it had already spread to the testicular walls. Did Radiation for 10 weeks...
Thank you all for your positive remarks. My attitude is certainly improving with this support. My best wishes for you all Dennis...
I'm all set up for provenge now, will harvest my first blood cells next Friday. Has anyone else out there done provenge? If so, any advise on side effects or effectiveness? I'm 62 going on 11th year...
WOW Thanks Allen. I had no idea that there were actually options once it got to this point. This is really an upper that I needed :-)...
Hi guys. I'm 63 and first found the prostate cancer at 51 years of age. it was a 7.5 gleason and had spread to the testicular walls. With radiation and a lengthy application of Lupron, I was able to...