I was reading this thread and noticed it is old. Does anyone know of good PC hospitals and/or doctors in California? Specifically, in the Kaiser Network? Most of the good doctors seem to be in...
I have a close friend that had Brachytherapy close to 20 years ago? And he is still going strong and as far as I know in great shape. The question is this. It seems like a great way to beat prostate...
Thanks for the comments. I found out that a Pathologist in our network worked and trained with Dr. Epstein and my Urologist is going to send my slides to him as well as UCSF Pathology Lab for a third...
Thank you so much for all the support and comments. I have ordered the Dr. Walsh book and have a meeting with my urologist in a few weeks. One of the comments was this: 3. Have your biopsy slides...
Greetings, Thanks for all the replies so far. Here is my information. The Biopsy was done June 1st. I am 67 years of age and of European and Native American heritage. The report said the stage is T1c...
I have been following this Forum for about a month and finally was able to register. It was worse than that biopsy last week! Anyway, had the biopsy and of course it did show I have cancer and the...