Great news Idog! I finished my RT late August 2018 and feel pretty good with relatively NO SE! Funny thing is that when I have a beer (rarely) it screws up my stomach and I wind up in the bathroom...
Under 60 and still working.....harder than ever actually! :yeah:...
Great news and very inspiring! Keep up the good work and hopes for a great uneventful PCa life!! :yeah:...
Great stuff Denis! I look around and see others struggling with SE, reoccurrences etc. and all of a sudden my sometimes achy groin is not such a big deal. Be fortunate for your could...
Really sorry to hear! Hope and prayers for a speedy recovery!...
Basically the same protocl for me with two Citrucel and 2 gas X per day for the duration of treatment....also at MSKCC! :yeah:...
MJ, I just used green tea from tea bags - HOT instead of coffee! :yeah:...
More of a grind than anything for me.....It was a big disruption and inconvenience in life......hopefully that is all it is for everyone here!! :yeah:...
I take this and it costs like $30.00 for 30 pills! :yeah: Works pretty damn good too! LOL!...
KEGEL, KEGEL, KEGEL!!!! I kegel all the time especially at night before bed on my side. Also, I took Citrucel to keep bowel movements regular. I am on the Mediterranean was said...
Good luck and prayers to anyone in dangers path. Be smart and evacuate......! Godspeed my brothers! :cry:...
RO warned of a potential minor "sunburn" but nothing after 26 sessions of IM/IGRT! :yeah:...
Thank Andrew that is what I thought but some of the other patients in the my waiting room were primary (I am 99% sure) but they had METS and were getting 44 RT's! So maybe the METS have something to...
Not sure why but my water intake and full bladder was never an issue with my RT? Most other RT patients in my waiting room had all kinds of water issues (bladder was not full enough etc.), but I was...
How many posts due we have to endure before they shut it down?? :rolleyes:...
Congrats MJ.....may you have a short, uneventful RT. Wishes for good health and a great upcoming year! Keep us updated on your progress! Dave :yeah:...
I could not get the SpaceOAR (thanks Insurance carrier) so I had to have IMRT rather than SBRT! No big deal just some more RT and trips to the hospital. I heard the SPACEOAR success rate is up in the...
TA, the newbies and vets always look to you for statistical data and knowledge. You are a tremendous asset to the group and you would surely be missed by all.....please reconsider! :yeah:...
BRROGERS10 you are living in fantasyland my friend! Wake up!! :rolleyes:...
LOL, I knew dying and living was in the quote too funny...great movie though! :yeah:...
Wasn't there a line like that by Clint EASTWOOD...Outlaw Josie Wales??? I forget what it was! :yeah:...
Great post Denis.....good point like every day may be your last!!! Don't sit and mope in your room, that will bring you to a bad place! I use distractions like family, work, trips,...
Good luck H4H.....hope you never come off AS!!! BTW, Zelefsky is the best of the best!! :yeah:...
Rob, thanks for sharing your experiences. It looks it is time for you to focus on "YOU" and not worry too much about helping others for a while. I know we have had a few minor spats in the past (I...
Like everyone has said above with different examples......keep busy to distract yourself from the future. If you sit in a room and think about it too much you'll get depressed or an ulcer or worse....
Stan if we had a dollar for every inaccurate statement in the paragraph above.....we would be rich men! Your biased flame throwing is both annoying and harmful (as the MODS have told you...
So Stan you are saying that if you have RALP you know in 6 weeks that the cancer is gone? Look at how many members on here had surgery and are going back for SRT! No guarantees with either...
Fantastic news...your post makes everyone smile and feel good about themselves as well! :yeah:...
Yes...for example it shows a G7 without differentiating between 4 + 3 and 3 + 4. The calculator is a broad stroke with a brush and it needs to be fined tuned a great deal to be legitimized! :yeah:...
Good stuff here as always, ANDREW!! Your thoughts always paint a picture in my mind, so mission accomplished! :yeah:...
I had 26 treatments - Hypo fractioned of IM/IGRT while taking Bilcalutimide (Casodex)for six months! I know it is bit different from your question but the Hypo fractioned treatment in conjunction...
Idog, I just finished 26 IMRT treatments. I never was asked to drink a certain amount of water. I know most other patients have water requirements etc. FYI, I took Citrucel to help with regularity! I...
Just too add onto Idog's post.....I took it for six months and it was a piece of cake for me as well! :yeah:...
Good deal....I pay around $40.00 for 30 pills at Costco pharmacy! I take it daily for maintenance as well! :yeah:...
Mark, correct me if I am wrong, but I think Chemo knocks you on your butt a lot more than RT. I have seen loved ones on chemo and I have been through RT. Big difference with fatigue, nausau, long...
Thanks TA for some good info as usual! :yeah:...
So TA, based on your response I assume you are not an advocate for "Cancer Fighting" Diets like Mediterranean diet etc. (I know this has been discussed in another thread) No Red Meat or processed...
Where is the event NYC or Rochester??...
I heard of some kind of condom catheter that you can slip on and it pour into a urinal? Maybe ask about that at night?? :yeah:...
It certainly has changed the way I look at life in general. I no longer sweat the small stuff! And stay clear of drama and dramatic nonsense! I look at the big picture a lot more today and don't let...
Yea, I think Finasteride is only to reduce prostate size and help with BPH! :yeah:...
I am not a RALP guy, but good luck with your decision! Nice to see patients make educated choices with their treatment options. :yeah:...
Wow, great news congrats DD!! :yeah:...
Agreed, I was not a fan of McCain politically, but RIP.... blessings and condolences to his family! :yeah:...
Kathy, so sorry for your loss and condolences to you and your family! Like you said repeatedly...he is at peace now and lives on in you and your brother. You're an angel and deserve everything life...
Congrats...may everyone have your success (including me) :yeah:...
First off, I have to give credit to MSKCC. I took Bicalutimide (Casodex) daily, also an 8 oz. glass of Citrucel mixture (RO warned me about constipation) to keep your colon/rectum moving along, also...
Funny, TA.....that is basically what my RO said that they do not do 40+ IMRT treatments for patients (low risk) with my sig or close to it! :yeah:...
Thanks guys for the encouragement! I hope you all have long happy and healthy uneventful lives without SE! :yeah:...
Rob, sorry for the bad news. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Just another bump in the road brother! Keep strong and keep fighting! Good luck!...