What to expect after radiation PSA was 0.47 rise after surgery then radiation PSA now 0.13 now my oncologist talking chemo if it rises I don't know if I done radiation too early or should I think...
Yes thank you for replying it is something else I guess all we can say is just be happy to be alive...
Thanks I'm getting them but much shorter erection I also take longer for orgasms like that but being short is not fun sometimes I wish I just would of have had just the radiation but now I have had...
My urologist told me he didn't think so but some people on here did say it stretches back a little but I also had to get a implant aus 800...
I have a question is there any way to get your length back after pay opt I lost 2 inches....
Thank you took your advice thank you...
Yes that is what I thought I was 00.1 for Stu least 2 years after my surgery but now going up had cat scan bone scan last year nothing detected so I'm going to see a oncologist in July my urologist...
PSA was 2.8 now 3.1...
Doctor said if they find more cancer we will have to do radiation or some medicine that could cause heart failure her diabetes do someone have a advice because he said the radiation could rupture my...
Yes I quess...
I was.001 after surgery fire 2 years and then 028 the 3 rd yr...
PSA was 7 before surgery then wry down to 5...
Yes 3+3=6with 6 outof 12 biopsy...
Yes it was.028 add I think he talking about if it goes to.50...
My PSA is .028 he talking about doing another kind of scan if it rises to 5...
Thanks for all the advise not understanding slot of it but I will see doc today and update and how do I get back to my post on here without going thur the support forums every time...
Just getting in this discussion don't have advice but seem to be in same boat rising PSA didn't see nothing but enlarge lymph nodes maybe you can give me advise....
My question should you do radiation if your doctor can't find anything on bone and cat scan? They say they don't see nothing but still want to do radiation,do really think something is there because...
Yes this quest game is terrible...
Didn't get path report but once before surgery and no radiation discussion yet...
Hello again being doing fine until now PSA 0.23 got to get bone scan and car scan July 31th also daughter graduating that night so hoping for a good out come but all ready talking snout treatments...
No pads just don't pee as much for some reason...
Yes sir...
I'm still good...
Got the Aus love it leak a little when I sit but if I go first I'm good....
Aus June 28th love it...
100 percent happy...
Yes I'm happy but if I wait to long some will come out but nothing like it was...
Well I feel great after 2 years to begin I had my prostate removed in 2017 still leaking so I opted for the sling did good but was a little too tight couldn't urinate so urologist loosen it up a...
I had 2 slings and the AUS so my first surgery was done by a doctor in Mississippi and I could barely walk,that was the sling surgery. The sling was worst than my prostatectomy and this was by the...
That's the way I understood it too but mine has never been activated so he was telling me that you can activate it just by pushing the bottom part of the pump but I'm going up there next week and let...
Ok my doc call me today and said squeeze the bottom part of the pump to activate I'm like the paper work says squeeze the sides first like you did when we try last time. Oh you don't have to do that...
The muscle seems like it's attached to the pump the more I push down the more the muscle follows can't seem to separate but I can barely get my finger on the back side of the pump of course this is...
Awesome I have 3 more weeks to try it again I have allot of muscle tissue....
thanks my man you know i want to get this going and hope it do what it suppose to do...
Had my visit and I had to much muscle tissue to active hurt top and bottom it was just too much tissue around the pump he told me to bath in warm water for 3 wks and got me on muscle relaxers anymore...
Sounds great man happy for ya I go 8/8/19 to get activated which will be my whole 6 weeks I have been getting hard but no sex hopefully everything will go as yours did. Still couldn't get in the...
Ok man I been thinking about you hope all goes well then we will have the cancer and everything else in check...
Hey Vince how is the AUS working?...
1a day it must b nice....
Well I'm small man 5'6 230 pounds well short so my pump staying in place and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable pee leaking in a pool...
I've read a lot of guys got the AUS and didn't have to wear anything they didn't drip or leak I was down the one and two pads and then try the sling at first the sling work I didn't need no pads but...
all I have to say on that is awesome...
I been dealing with it for 2 years had 2 slings which was failures then I was mowing my lawn and thought to myself I had got down to 1 full or 2 pads a day from 5 or 6 pads after RP but after sling...
Ok hate to hear it at first must of been good thoughyes better with than without sometimes I think we should of did like my dad he went radiation seeds cancer came back 5 yrs but they froze it he...
Done great 1 week and 3 days out...
Tall guy you leaking enough for a pad all day is the pad full and was it like that when you got the AUS?...