And Dana Loesch. Watch "Last Week Tonight" ; the full 20-minute HBO segment is presented here, but the Loesch ad is in the final 5-minutes. Oliver's thesis-driven approach to satirical humor will...
20 years ago, that was the general belief in the medical community....
Hi Vic, I'll be able to clarify a few things for you... A diagnosis with only Gleason 3+3 findings is what the PC medical community calls "indolent" prostate cancer. In fact, there have been heated...
This is because the evidence either way is not strong. These are not randomized, controlled trials, so two things: (1) correlation is not causation, and 2) read the study wording closely and don't...
It looks like it was potentially your 3rd bounce. Wishing you continued overall downward trending!...
The content of this post is both generally offensive to some of the members who replied, and also offensive to a specific poster. Rule 3. The entire text is deleted. Post Edited By Moderator (142) :...
The key factor in me switching from my uro-prescribed PSA tests to PSA testing as a part of my regular scheduled checkups with my internist started with a conversation with the uro. It went something...
No. Here's why: Hereditary cancer--when a child inherits a mutated gene from their parents--is largely irrelevant with prostate cancer. Hereditary PC is rare and occurs in only about 5% of cases. The...
Sounds like another good interview. Good job! You are learning a lot! As I previously said, so many choices for a favorable-risk guy like you is both a blessing and a curse....
alphanull, yes, PSA kinetics is significant. To be confident in the validity/reliability of PSADT measurements, however, be sure to use 3 PSA measurements obtained 3 months apart....
This thread would be more complete to define "failure" of any first-line prostate cancer treatment mode...whether surgery or radiation. Modifying one word in my previous definition captures it...
Another solid're making great progress. I don't think I previously realized our similar our cases are...I also had several positive cores with a relatively small amount of 3+4, and a...
Here’s the thing; the surgeon didn’t fail which was asserted in a response. Once bio chemical recurrence occurs, then the surgery is noted to have failed to contain the cancer....
Lousy feedback. Good feedback....
BTW, Paige4, this "size/extent 35 mm" is also significant. That's large....
Agreed, Michael_T. Fairwind's comment "He failed to cure the cancer" was very poorly worded. First of all, the surgeon didn't fail anything. Second, while there is a high incidence of recurrence when...
No...but I want to hear about your Baltics cruise. We've been thinking about doing this one on Viking:...
Ya damm right! And they said Batman had no superpowers. But in this case, good thing we didn't step in it. ...
Bladder neck margins have a high incidence of recurrence. Your discussion will be centered around this important point, and if/when to consider secondary radiation treatment....
No kidding! I think that’s the most samples I’ve heard of! But glad to hear that in hindsight the 3-day catheter was the worst part. Not from the biopsy...a lot of pokes, but that’s too much time....
Reference doc
Gotcha. Urinary incontinence is a 100% (well, there are rare exceptions) immediate side effect after surgery which generally improves over time; everyone goes home with a catheter. The general...
Regardless of whether (a) the nerves were spared during surgery or whether (b) the most precise dose planning was used during radiation therapy, erectile dysfunction remains the most common side...
I think it kinda does...isn't it clear that the non-surgery chapters were written by other specialty practitioners, and not by the innovative surgeon Walsh who first developed nerve-sparing...
Lol halbert: online map of Michigan ...
I'll give what some here might think of as a counter-intuitive answer...but first let me say that although I chose surgical treatment, if I was into my 60's (as you are) for my own case, I probably...
Small and fragile. The 18-gauge needle diameter is the size of a typical mechanical pencil lead refill, or about half the diameter of a wooden pencil lead. Lengthwise varies a lot for multiple...
Valid question. Here's a back of napkin calculation of the percentage removed based on a few likely assumptions: *cylindrical volume = cross sectional area X aggregate length *cross sectional area...
We are now several decades past "denormalizing" smoking. Twenty or more years ago I would support smoking cessation programs in the workplace. Lots of time and opportunity has passed, and in this...
That I don't know. I would guess that they largely rely on the personal integrity of employees rather than "policing"...after all, we are talking about adults, here, for at least most of these jobs....
Did you know that ACS has a policy NOT to hire employees that use tobacco products? Good for them......
Hi Anuja, I have just a few comments to add: Regarding post treatment PSA values, the 3-week results seem very consistent with expectations. There is no specific target...the goal is to treat, then...
Sorta common, but skewed by this study finding: [i]“Postoperative IH occurrence was significantly associated with low surgeon experience.” [/list]...
Who is this “we” you speak of, Ke-mo sah-bee?...
I couldn’t agree more with InTheShop’s least that final sentence. But of course you aren’t at a random internet site...this site is filled with peer-to-peer knowledge about prostate...
Yup, saw that...
Your up and down PSA (you called it “aberrational“) is yet another indication of benign contributors (like BPH). Hey, though, if you’ve been reading up on PC, then you already know that “weird cells”...
You have BPH. Causes elevated PSA. Google it. No to biopsy....
What do you mean by this? It is not "usual" to have pain when urinating, or any other "symptoms." Your are correct that PSA doubling time is NOT meaningful or informative in untreated men because...
Acute cystitis commonly has the pain you have described, and commonly goes away on it's own after several days...your doctor's guidance seems sound to me to address this as a possibility, first. Late...
IDK if it's a "superior" opinion...but it's consistent with PC medical professionals, which ignores novice shooting-from-the-hip. I guess that you didn't notice this is a modified dose escalation...
Uh, that's naïve. It's important that you break your belief that one-size-fits-all in the PC world and that such "blanket" statements fit real life. There is a very wide range of cases diagnosed as...
Donnie, This sounds like (no surprise) you had a good interview/appointment. Here’s a couple points I noted--in the order that you mentioned them--as I read through your post… The surgeon's comment...
outstanding...congratulations I'm also 10-years post treatment, and also undetectable....
"a good chance...?" This is overstated. This is the worst case. I don't personally make (or recommend) decisions based on worst case scenarios...that being said, it happens. Don't think for a...
I'd like to acknowledge the scope of this problem. I'm you recall how many times (perhaps an approximation) you were prescribed a round of Cipro? I've read of long-term "gut" issues...
Most of the cases like you've described which I've seen here have been from the patient's incomplete understanding (or misunderstanding) which case characteristics the specific treatment is