Good point although I think one would still feel slightly emasculated....
Retrograde ejaculation is something I definitely want to avoid....
retrograde ejaculation is a side effect from those prostate shrinking and prostate muscle relaxing medications. It means that your ejaculation doesn't eject externally when you climax, it injects...
The idea of having an instrument inserted in one's urethra just makes me cringe at the idea but for about 3 months I've had urgency to urinate 3 minutes to empty my bladder about every 2.5 hours in...
Thanks for the suggestion. I think even with Proscar retrograde ejaculation is still a side effect...
Hopefully my symptoms are only being caused by BPH. Be aware that Avodart as well as the muscle relaxing medication that's prescribed for that area creates retrograde ejaculation and both medications...
biopsy is so invasive and risk of side effects leads one to hope that only bph symptoms is what I'm experiencing...
Symptoms like taking three minutes to completely empty bladder I hope is just bph. I only get up once a night to urinate. Don't like the idea of invasive biopsy just to find bph. Seems that urgency...
It seems a safe food as long as one cracks only egg whites to fry and leaves the yolk in the shell to throw away. I've been doing a half a dozen like that daily for a couple of years now as my main...