Thanks all for the replies. While I won't reply to everyone individually, just know that your messages were very helpful!...
Thanks for the feedback. The more I read, the more I learn. I suppose it doesn't make sense to compare. I guess I wanted someone to say "you're leaking X ml 7 weeks post-op so you'll be completely...
Those are some great points. Thanks for the reply 👌...
I'm now 7 weeks post-op (open RP), and life has pretty much gotten back to normal. The question I have is about incontinence, and more specifically, urine volume. When someone posts and says they go...
Wow. So far, we have "just slid out on its own" "pulled it out, there was no pain" "it mildly tickled as it was removed" as our replies. Crazy what a small factor this is for so many people! From...
Jealous 🙂...
That's awesome! A lot of people write about their post catheter experience, but not so much about the actual removal; I assume it's because it's such a non issue as it was for you. However, I'm sure...
After 15 days, my catheter is finally out! I can hardly describe how much I dreaded this day. I slept maybe 3 hours last night, and was only able to eat breakfast before my 4:00 pm appointment - my...
That is fantastic news! I am around the same age as you (48) and am two weeks post-op. Hoping I can one day post an eight year anniversary message that's as good as yours!...
Thanks for the reminder, Halbert 👍...
"An inguinal hernia isn't necessarily dangerous. It doesn't improve on its own, however, and can lead to life-threatening complications." I've never heard of this before, and I certainly hope things...
Mumbo, no previous constipation, so this has really caught me off guard. And yes, I read about opioid constipation and stopped that pretty quickly. Thank you for the advice on getting things going. I...
I ended up buying Senokot to use before bed. I had never heard of it, but we called two pharmacies and both pharmacists recommended it for use after a prostatectomy. (I don't remember which, but I...
Thanks GoBucks for the reply. I'm definitely not in pain, so I guess that's a good sign. And yes, I still have my catheter at day 12. Two weeks seems to be standard with my doctor....
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter. I am 12 days post-op after open RP, and I just had what I would describe as my first normal BM (I've had lots of very small ones, but nothing approaching...
Thanks all for the suggestions and replies. It's great knowing you guys are here. Now, back to lurking I go :)...
Hey folks, tl;dr I'm pooping a lot - is this normal? I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. I wanted to start by thanking everyone for their contributions. This forum contains so much...