I acknowledge that these are cherry-picked replies to this video on ADT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClrbnTmJohg&t=1s nonetheless these are real reactions. "This is an excellent presentation....
I think that is great for you! I was already feeling suicidal before the diagnosis - and in some ways was barely functional. I was near a breaking point. The thought of climbing out another deep hole...
Thanks everyone for the various perspectives. At this point I am still refusing treatment. I may change my mind. This may not make sense, but I was always active and athletic and had to put things on...
I spent the last 3-5 years of my life fighting for my mom and being her caretaker. At the same time, I lost my dad, my best friend, mom and my aunt while struggling to recuperate from a second hip...
Thanks for sharing your story. Not sure if I want to fight - no wife/gf, no kids or grandkids. Am otherwise in great health but have little purpose....
8 of 12 cores showed cancer with most being Gleason10. (PSA 23 - age 67) I am making appointments for two follow-up scans to determine the spread before treatment options are discussed. Seems I am...
Vince, I never asked what was the best as I understand the folly in a generalized query like that, only what criterion individual patients used to make their specific choice....
On a side note, I saw that my urology center got 19 each 1-star reviews out of 26 total reviews on YELP for an average of 1.8 out of 5 stars. Now I do understand that people are more likely to bitch...
Note: I have yet to be diagnosed so am nowhere close to needing to make a decision. Just gathering information to research and think about. For those of you whose situation allowed for either path;...
Thanks everyone for your feedback; especially Mumbo....
67 yo male in otherwise great health. All biomarkers are fine except for a PSA of 20. I have had two hip replacements so am familiar with surgery, hospital stays and long, slow recovery and some...