Update-Have catheter in until 10/30, mayby whats causing the bruising...
We are just 3 days home from the open Radical surgery, I will update later so far everything fine EXCEPT has any one out there heard or knows of penile bruising? We just called the doc and awaiting a...
Hi Everyone, Sorry for my absence lately, had some other medical issues with other family members I have been tending to. Anyways an update and question. My husband is scheduled for the 8th of...
Wonderful news to hear about the PSA and the fun that has been "activated" in your lifes again. Guess you'll have alot of catch-up fun too! :) Take Care and keep posting your news for us all. Cheryl...
Rod and Maria Teresa, I am so sorry to hear of the complications with the anesthesia, but on the other hand you can count your blessings it happened before and not during. They say god works in ways...
This last weekend we finally told all our children about my husbands cancer. My daughter is a nurse at a major hospital in Riverside. She has been on the Cardiac ICU unit for 3 years there now. (Yes,...
Our doctor told us to buy this book and pick and choose sections to read from and that it would help us get a better understanding of what we were facing. He said it would also answer alot of our...
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you tomarrow. We will look forward to a good report once you have time to let us know everything went well. We must all stay positive and look forward to...
mijac001 , Thank You for your reply. I am still trying to figure out how to use the features of this chat site. I hope this gets to you. As stated in my previous post brachytherapy is our first...
Thank You for the reply, spinbiscuit. I hope I am replying to the messages correctly. I am assuming you mean the gleason score or further information on the actual report status. When I have that I...
Thank You Mike's Wife for your input. We are also leaning towards the brachytherapy as our first choice and surgery as our second, depending on what the doctor's advice is also....
I guess I left out a few detail, sorry. My husband is 52 in good health otherwise works out regularly, hikes and quit smoking almost 2 years ago. His PSA score before the biopsy was 8.3. The biopsy...
Hello Everyone, I just joined this chat room and this is my first time using chat. My friend was telling me about chat rooms for help, sooooo here is my question? We just found out last week my...