Benign tissue typically bounces around at very low levels. From my untrained eyes with psa levels at .5 and rising steadily does not appear to be benign. You should further investigate....
I don’t think you’re jumping the gun. You officially hit the definition of bcr 9 years after your surgery on 12/20 at .2....
Thanks all. Here’s a quote from the chief of urology from a top hospital in NYC. “I absolutely agree that u should just switch to standard PSA testing the likelihood of ever reaching 0.1 is...
Thanks again. No, if I make up my mind to test again in 6 months or 12 months, I will not be anxious until a few weeks before. I recognize I’m lucky compared to many on this forum but I’m still...
Thanks Mattam. Yes. The labs have been different over time. I had two tests that were .04 and .05 back in 2015 and 2016. Then it switched to a lab that went to less than .05. Last year, my test was...
Thanks Mumbo for the thoughtful reply. Yes I have been doing annual testing and I frequently delay my physical which includes the psa test by a month or two because of fear of the psa test. I’ve been...
Thanks for the reply DJin. I will probably just stick with the same test and retest this week. Not sure however why you would say that it appears to be slowly rising. My psa was .04 in 2015, .05 in...
Should I just switch to the standard test which will show undetectable until or if it ever reaches .1 This will help stop needless worry and given my history I probably shouldn’t take action until it...
I had a full prostatectomy 14 years ago. My Gleason score was 3/4, clear margins and no lymph or seminal vesicle involvement. This year my psa reading was .06 up from .03 last year. It is important...