Just wondering if anyone else here presented w/o losing any weight/being malnourished. At the time I was most symptomatic I was 16y/o, 6'2", and 275lbs(2.5 yrs ago). I lost about 10lbs after going...
If you are in the US(guessing so based on TX) and near a decent sized city, you can probably find some GF cookies at health food stores in your area. I am a big fan of the ironically named Glutino...
First off, thanks for the responses. @ Jeannie - Amazingly, one of the few things I *dont* have going on is wanting to lay around. I miss doing things and, I have found, I pay dearly when I do them...
So... Im new here, and really just looking for advice. Not sure how people will take this but...I really dont want "sorry" and such things at this point(nothing against anyone here, I am just hearing...