oatmeal has phytic acid which blocks absorbtion of trace minerals... your best bet is to soak it over night with something like a TBSP full of lemon juice or vinegar. Just place oatmeal water and...
goitrogens in soy foods will inhibit your synthesis of thyroid hormones and send you on an up and down spiral of TSH, T4 and T3 levels....
I also have low thyroid that I've been battling with for over 3 years now. I never had any problems until the thyroid and now it seems there is always something wrong....
I never had anything like this before it is just such severe pain and cramping with some diarrhea and mucos. I wasn't planning to go to the doctor unless it persisted but it came on so suddenly and...
I recomend avoiding soy like the plague: Check out the book "The Whole Soy Story" and do lots of research on soy before you buy into health claims...
I just got off antibiotics for tonsilitis. I ate yogurt and keifer while I was on antibiotics and now I am taking probiotics... then all of the sudden for 3 days I have had extreme pain during all...