Hi, Saw your post. YOu most likely are suffering from the dreaded Herxheimer Reaction. This is caused by the die off of bacteria of the lyme spirochete. They produce biotoxins when killed, and...
Hi, Exactly, the tests can come back false negative leaving one with Lyme and it's coinfections with only one option, to find a lyme literate doc. Join Facebook, and join the lyme groups, there are...
I do have this too lately!! IT STINKS, plus increased pain nearly unbearable. I have Chronic Lyme DIsease caused by tick bites, don't know which one, since only about 40% get the bulls eye rash. I...
I just want to tell you all that I was misdiagnosed with Fibro for yrs. And finally, after 25 docs, 3 from other states, yes I had to travel to a doc that is lyme literate, I was diagnosed with...
I have EBV and many others, plus Chronic Lyme Disease. Have you been tested for LYme?? Many with it have several viruses too. In extensive research for the last 3 yrs. or so, I discovered that EBV is...
. I have this, and I am in constant muscle pain and some joint pain. For many years, finally after 23 docs, I traveled to a LYme specialist in Wash. DC, tested positive for Lyme disease....
/community/emoticons/smilewinkgrin.gif Hi, I think this is the place where someone recommended a good quality CS and I did order it, several days ago, now I can't recall where I ordered it from.. I...