Thank you. I am just looking at that site. I feel horribly brain dead and have zero energy and many other symptoms but not sure what is the diference between Lyme and hypothyroidism symptoms? They...
The range was 0.27-4.20 It was at ER. Doctor told me its not too high to be this sick. I read the list and have almost all symptoms but can barely walk for 7 months now. I might have Lyme but I am...
I was asking other people with thyroid issues and have been told that its normal that doctors won't prescribe me anything if my numbers are still in normal range but not in optimal range. I have been...
I wanted to ask if I can take some natural supplement that I can buy online for my thyroid instead of going to doctor. I am too sick to go there anyway. My TSH was 6.15 and 4.57 I feel really bad and...
Girlie T4 Free 1.5. Range 0.93-1.70 TSH 4.57. Range 0.27-4.20 The test in Europe TSH 6.15 I think should be 0.5-5.00 T3 and T4 I dont know range...
Free T4. They did the tests for Hashimoto's no Hashimoto's but I dont understand why I feel soo bad and dead. No energy,brain is dead. Lethargy like my life is over and other people still live. I...
Krimpet, my TSH was 6.1 and 4.57. I am detoxing but just getting worse and more miserable :( T4 was normal but they didnt do T3 so no treatment....
I am female....
Ok thanks I stopped sleeping too and saw over 30 psychiatrists and they cannot figure anything out. I got the 2 other tests done and those were normal so not Hashimoto's. What is exactly brain fog? I...
Thank you, somebody told me to measure my temperature when I wake up. It's only 97.3 Normally 98.6 Can this be the thyroid? I am 4 years bedridden and feel brain dead and depressed and suicidal,.. Is...
I wanted to ask if I maybe need meds for my thyroid. My TSH was 6.15 and other test 4.57 I have also Lyme and I am very ill and very mentally off and bedridden. I am just not sure if its just Lyme or...
Traveler, ok before I will put The list of my herbs together I want to make sure I feel brain dead from Lyme or it can be thyroid? I had high TSH so want to make sure if that maybe can cause feeling...
SmillingDaises I live in South Florida in old apartment with carpet that never gets vacuumed. I dont have energy to do it. I am glad I have roof over my head again because I was homeless because of...
I know but it's so hard to go slow when I feel sooooo bad. I used to be positive and very active person but this "super bug" just turned me into depressed zombie :( I still don't know what herbs did...
I am bedridden for 4 years on and off but last 7 months I am kind of in death spiral getting nowhere. So I feel like I have to do something but don't know what now when I am this sick. It was much...
Yes my friend gave me last massage in December. I was already pretty bad and got diarrhea right after. I am glued to bed since April.i dont like anybody touching me anymore :-/ I was thinking I might...
Well I started doing chelation because I've heard its important to do it even if I have Lyme. Well I am not sure. I feel brain dead and dont know what is causing that and its going on for at least 7...
Oh and I am still juicing. 6 days now. Something improved like digestion. I don't sweat and smell bad anymore,hair not falling but exhaustion,swollen lymph nodes and still feeling brain dead :(...
Traveler, yes I know it's for chelating heavy metals. I tried to start with chelation but couldn't do it at all. I just got very sick even if doing it right and taking the lowest dose. So I am...
Traveler, what??? I was just trying Andrew Cutler protocol and just couldn't do it. I was taking only 1.5mg DMSA or DMPS and it almost killed me. I am not sure why. It seems like I am the only one...
Doctors don't do detoxing. They do the opposite :-/ Ok I will keep working on diet again,skin brushing,lemon water. I will add charcoal. Liver flushes I cannot do anymore. Oil pulling again. This is...
Traveler, yes mine is really advanced it's really bad. Yes I used to drink ginger tea too. Now I started juicing and add small piece if ginger and yes nausea is gone but brain too :-/ I meant what...
Reminder yes I know but had to eat that because couldnt do anything on my own. Got much worse so now I am juicing and will continue with Paleo like I always did. I was a lot better but not cured. I...
Asmoline, Ok I will do kefir,sauerkraut and pickles. We usually have some sauerkraut and pickles here....
Traveler, that sounds great! Acupuncture did nothing to me. I was going for couple months when I started to have first symptoms. Now they moved mostly to my brain so it's even worse. I can't feel...
Rikky1 It's all so confusing. My friend recommended to me for mold. Well it's natural. If its going to work I am not sure. I've heard a lot about Cholestyramine but that's only with prescription. So...
Traveler, I love kefir!! But some diets say no diary,some say kefir is ok. Confused :-/ Oh wow so you are not bedridden anymore? What did she do? Our friend is Chinese medicine practitioner but I...
Rikky1, Thank you for suggestion. I got recommended Cholestepure and if it won't work I will try other things. The mold on top of everything sucks :(...
Krimpet, I add organic lemons into my green juices or carrot juices now. I just don't know if they are good idea or not. I feel beaut up and swollen lymph nodes,sore throat,I got mild fever,it's...
reminder, I just had chicken broth that my friend made couple days ago and I didn't eat it. I will tell him to do organic next time. Good idea. He likes to cook but don't know what because I cannot...
I am back I was like in half coma from drinking green juices for 4 days now because I am soo sick and desperate that I don't know what else to do. My mind went off so I couldn't do absolutely...
Hi reminder I will try bone broth now just drinking veggie juices but still very sick....
Hi Traveler, thanks. I want to say that my concentration is really bad now. I am very desperated because this just got out of control. Yes I know I need to detox just couldn't do to much because of...
Hi, thank you so much. Yes I am in very bad situation now. It's even hard to communicate. I can still write but holding normal conversation with someone is impossible now. I am laying 7 months,not...