subdued, is there a specific probiotic name you used? thanks...
Is there any news about this?...
Hi, just quick info to share my experience with Vitamin E Enemma. I live in Toronto, I have left sided U.C, I took imuran and predinson helped a little but still BM rush and many times a day, when...
Hi, While I am searching in the internet, some resarch was saying that Jianpiling curred many patients from ulcerative colits. And I noticed Pumfast was using it. I you are still in this forum, could...
Question for Red_34, I noticed you are taking Forvia, could you tell me please from where I can order this vitamin, I live in Toronto. Also if you can tell me whre to order Pro-Bio from. Thanks....
Hi, I have a doubt about a medecine, and I would like to ask if any one of you have used it. I had an acne in my face, May 2006 the doctore advised me to use "Clindoxyl Gel", when I started using it,...
Thanks guys for sharing your experience....
Hi, I read that Lialda helps to achieve remission at : Does anybody tried this, was there any improvement, and is there any side effect? Thanks....