My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now and have lived together for almost a year. I was diagnosed just months before we got together. So we have been going through a lot and learning...
I have actually been off meds for about 8 months now. I feel so much better and more myself. I have to be really careful about what I eat and some time have about 5BM in one day if I eat something I...
I did it myself, using my granddaughter's feces. It was very easy. I took the gooey yellow substance (she was breastfeeding at the time) as soon as she pooed so as not to lose any bacteria, mixed...
I have been off medication for about 6 months now. I have been watching what I eat and have reduced my stress level. I only have a bad day every once in a while and had my last flare up in January...
So here I am... I have only been diagnosed since October of 2007 and I have already tried 2 medications. Today they decided to switch me to the 3rd... I started off on Lialida but the side affects...
Haha! Thanks for starting this post... I really needed a good laugh! I love them all!...
I no longer take anything for granted... I have learned to enjoy the little things, and notice the small things that people would usually just look over. Like the way the sky looks in the morning...
Sacramento, California - USA California girl born and raised.... But not the LA type!...
I had been taking Caltrate D. But recently started taking the Viactiv. So far I am liking the Viactiv the most. You should really give them a try....
I had been taking Lialida for about 5 months before I decided to not take it any more. I didn't so much feel like I was going to flare. I was just having really bad migranes and hair loss and sick to...
I have been off of medications for about a month now. I had been taking Lialida since October. But I began to have some serious side effect symptoms from it. So my GI had decided to take me completly...
I have been drinking Crystal Light. Its those little packets that you mix into a bottle of water. They have all different kinds. But the one that I like the best is the Strawberry that has caffine in...
Will the hair grow back???...
quick question... how long will it take before the biotin will show that it is taking effect??????...
I have been on Lialda for about 5 months now. I am completly in remission. So far the only side effect I have experienced while taking the medication is hair loss. Which I am currently dealing with...
Thank you for your response! I called a family member of mine whom graduated from a beauty school and asked her for any ideas that she might have that could help me out. And she actually recomended...
So I am kind of scared right now... I am currently in remission at the moment and have been for about the last 3 1/2 months. But the last few weeks I have noticed that I have been losing hair....
:confused: I have noticed a few red bumps on my chest and stamach and my legs. Not many but I am starting to get conserned. Is this part of the UC? Is it a reaction to the meds that I have been...
So I just watched the trailer and had to get it. I think that it would be a good thing for my freinds and family to watch to get a better understanding of what it is that I am having to live with for...
Thank you for all of your advice. I have an appointment with both of them with in the next 2 weeks to get everything figured out with it....
So as you can tell, I am still new at all of this. I just went and had my annual pap with my primary care physician. She brought up to me that blood clots can be a side affect of being on birth...
You all have given me so much hope. Everynow and then I just get so scared with everything that has happened (major flare and trips to the ER) and all the things that will happen. I have always made...
When I had first found out that I had UC my father made it seem like it was my fault. That it was something that I had done. But I went and did a ton of research and bought the books and took him to...
Wow thanks for all of the input. I made baked Salmon the other night with fesh lemon juice and cracked pepper. It was yummy! I am also really glad to hear that sushi settels pretty well with...
So I have noticed that most people say that fish is able to digest well for them. I have never been much of a fish eater other than sushi. And I know that sushi would not be a good thing for me to...
So here I am. About one month later and I am online trying to find information on UC. Before this I had never heard of it before. A family friend has Crohn's. Other than that I wouldn't have had any...