I was wondering how long I should expect to take my slaofalk until my symptom gets better. After mt colonoscopy on Monday I was told that I have pan colitis, (long story as to why I was having the...
Oh and one more thing, my appendix was full of pus and blood - not just normal infection, it was also leeking and the entire area around was VERY infected (according to the surgeon)...
Thanks for your insite, I will check on the c-diff, I am not denying that UC is there I just have a hard time "believing" when I feel great and other than the loose stool and my Dr.s say I have this...
Hi everyone, I am new here and trying to get some answers, I thought best to give some background info. I Sept. 2005 I started having very loose and foul smelling stool, a couple of times a day, did...