Thanks. I'm hoping to, just hope TD #17 doesn't spoil anything for us....
If you're lucky enough to have someone who cares about you, understands what you're dealing with, anticipates what you need, deflects as much stress from you as possible, kicks your butt when you...
Thanks for all the replies. Unfortunately, I did not respond to the few rectal meds my GI tried me on several years ago. We tried several, each one for a couple months, but nothing seemed to provide...
I'm taking a ten day cruise on Friday to the Panama Canal, and, wouldn't you know it, I've started bleeding. My UC has been really great for the past two - three months and some weeks you wouldn't...
...and now I'm confused. I distinctly remember reading a definition for UC remission that said something to the effect that remission from the disease is full absence of any of its symptoms while not...
Since others have reported that any improvements from taking a probiotic won't be seen for at least a month, I'm hoping to report some good results about Culturelle in a few weeks. Right out of the...
I started taking Culturelle two weeks ago. I read some posts (on another site) from users who said they didn't get bloating or gas like I did from the probiotic suggested by my GI, Kefir. I have...
Has anybody heard of this study? A family member sent me the link (, but the website doesn't provide much information on what type of medication is being given....
I smoked cigars until I developed a really bad case of bronchitis in 1997, which helped me to quit them. However, I remember taking a bunch of antibiotics for the bronchitis at the time. Anyway, I...
Three months ago my GI suggested I replace milk with Silk - and to not worry about any cheese or yougart I eat - to reduce the gas problem. That was the best advice I've gotten from him because I've...
I was on Imuran for about a year until we decided it wouldn't work for me. I've now been on Methotrexate for the past 9 months or so, first as an oral med and now as a weekly shot since April. I get...
Anybody have anything to say about this probiotic? My daughter, forever looking out for Dad, said she recently saw ads for this over-the-counter medication. One website lists ingredients as: Active...
I haven't had much success in trying to track if certain foods caused specific symptoms until recently. I've been bothered with gas for the better portion of a year (with uc, I've learned to treat...
We buy 12 roll packs and I never let us get below two rolls in each bathroom before buying and storing a 12 pack in the hall closet. So we have anywhere from 18 to about 24 rolls of tp in the house...
Thanks for all the responses, it seems that we all have pretty much similiar stories to tell. Loneylane, I don't believe my symptoms are as severe as those described for Uveitis/iritis - I don't...
While reading some of the excellent resource literature available here, I discovered that UC might be the source of some frequent eye irritation I’ve been experiencing on and off for the past year....
Isn’t it crazy, the things we have to think about[b] ? Where’s the loo? Is there air freshener? What time do I have to get up to a) get uninterrupted loo time, and b) get my 4-5 bm’s done in enough...
I tried Remicade about 15 months ago. The first infusion was great (while also on Prednisone) but it didn't seem to take for me. I got progressively worse (while tapering off the Pred.) and quit the...
That one statement sounds like a low blood sugar problem. As a diabetic myself, I know the feeling. Since Prednisone raises a person's bloog sugar levels, your's may be going the other way because...
For the 8 or so years I've been dealing with UC, I haven't yet figured out what a remission feels like. I'm either on Pred, which minimizes the symptoms, or running to the bathroom. I don't know if I...