Every site I've seen that sells aloe supplements makes sure to mention how aloe is 100% all natural so it cannot affect any other medications. I'm actually taking aloe w/ comfrey capsules on top of...
Years ago, my dad was on prednisone for several years for reasons I forget but it caused him a lot of problems and hair loss was one of them. After being on the prednisone for a couple years in a...
I still consider myself new to my UC and haven't really gotten into trying to limit what I eat because I don't really notice changes with me eating certain things but I'm sure they're there. My dad...
I've only had one and it was pretty much like your second experience. Last thing I remember was them wheeling me into the room and me saying I was a bit cold so the one nurse threw another blanket on...
I was diagnosed December of 06 and I've yet to have any type of pains related to UC. It makes me wonder.....
Well I'm also 18 though I'm not the youngest since I'll be 19 this August and UChick just turned 18. I've never even tried dating yet and I pretty much don't go out anywhere at all. Sitting at home...