Hi there I don't have any of the foam left, no. So I havent actually used it for 4 or 5 weeks. I have a repeat prescription so I might pick some up next time I need to get some more Pentasa, just in...
Thanks for your advice - I upped my dosage to 2500mg a day for a couple of weeks and have now cut down to 2000mg for the last 5 days. So far everything seems totally normal. So fingers crossed....
Ah that's interesting, Saskia. Maybe I should go back on the foam for a few weeks then?...
Sorry -, just to clarify.. the first paragraph - the 1 week of 2 doses and 2 weeks of 1 dose was for the colifoam steroid foam stuff.......
Hi all On the tapering I had a week of two doses a day and then 2 weeks of one dose a day. On the Pentasa, I went straight from 3000 to 2000mg - ie 6 tablets to 4 tablets. I'm not sure that anything...
Hi I was diagnosed about 5 weeks ago. I was given 3000mg/day of Pentasa and a 3 week course of Colifoam. After a week of being on the meds, my symptoms cleared up and I've been fine since. Went to...