Hi UC mom. I had the two step surgery with the second surgery on the 2 of Nov. so I am almost 3 weeks post op. I too have intermittent bleeding which my surgeon said is normal given the fact that the...
Hi Pam, I had the first of the two-step j-pouch surgery on the 17th of Sep. and the second surgery on the 2 of Nov. and have never regretted my decision. I have had UC for 28 years and I still sit...
Like photomoe, I have had UC since I was a child. I was 8 when I was diagnosed. That was 28 years ago. What has helped me the most over the years has been researching and gaining an understanding of...
Mikeman, I have been reading through your post and you have some really good suggestions. I have my take-down on Monday and I was wondering if there was anything that you found invaluable to have...
Jay25CA, where might I find coconut water and is there a particular brand you use? Also I want to thank you all for the great ideas....
Hi to all. I had my colon removed (1st step of 2 step J-pouch surgery) on the 17th of September. I have a temporary ostomy and made the rookie mistake of becoming severely dehydrated and ended up in...
Thanks Holly. I"ll look into it....
Hi to all, This might be the wrong place to post this ( I am also posting this on the UC forum) but I am not quite sure where to go for help. I had a surgical consult today and the surgeon...
Thanks everyone. I feel better knowing that there will not be a hollow feeling. I am excited to have the surgery and live my life relatively medication free and I am excited about taking my life back....
I have had UC for 28 years and because of recent findings from my last colonoscopy, have been strongly advised by my G.I. to have surgery. I am just wondering what it feels like to not have a colon...
I have a surgical consult on August 28th. I was diagnosed when I was 8 and now am 36. I have tried just about everything from traditional drugs to alternative therapies and just can't seem to get my...
I certainly don't want to scare you all. Please keep in mind that I have had this disease for 28 years and for many of those years I was flaring due to the fact that most medications just don't work...
About 2-3 months ago I noticed my bowels became very small and thin. About the same time I experienced lower back pain on the side where the obstruction is. I did not think much about the size of my...
Nothing that was noticeable. Very rarely, and usually after I ate something I should not have, I would see a bit of blood or mucous but it was not to the extent that I had seen before....
After a about a month on all these supplements I actually saw a huge difference although I do not think that I was in a remission. I feel like what I took helped to slow my bowels down and take away...
ElaineNY - I have been trying for 28 years to forget that I have this horrible disease. I wish nothing but the best for you and hope you find yourself in a better position then I found myself....
Just thought I would add my two-cents. I was horrified when I my doctor recommended a 6-mp for me. I took it though and after a year decided to quit and try a more holistic approach. I went to an...
No, I stopped my 6-mp back in January because I have two small children and it was making me very tired....
Hi all, haven't posted in a while. I had a maintenance colonoscopy on Monday that showed I had two separate areas of my colon that had a stenosis,(narrowing of the colon due to scar tissue), one of...
Hi everyone, I was listening to the People's Pharmacy today on NPR and they mentioned Lyprinol, which is a natural organic anti-inflammatory, was now available for sale in the USA. I was curious if...
I did the Miralax and Gatorade for my last clean out two years ago. It is really gentle but stills has a bad taste. Good luck....
I have been doing acupuncture since October of 2008 and starting seeing results in March. I had previously taken so much medication that I began to feel toxic so I went with a holistic approach. When...
I only take two capsules per day but have taken up to four per day without a problem. It might just depend upon the individual. I know that there is someone on this forum who is an advocate for...
I take a product called Curamin made by Europharma. I had quite the opposite results with it....
Thanks Denise. I think I'll his doctor on Monday....
My child is 5 and has been on the Sigulair chewable since October 2008. Recently he has been complaining of a stomach ache and has lost his appetite He has also become lethargic and has had some...
I have been taking Curamin since February and am almost in remission ( the first time in five years). I really started to notice a difference after taking this supplement. Currently I am down to 2...
Going off of wheat was a huge turning point for me. It was difficult but the results for me were very well worth it. I still indulge every once in a blue moon. I also do acupuncture and have found it...
Sara14, I am currently taking Curamin and within a few days I noticed a difference with my UC. Mainly less urgency and fewer runs to the bathroom. Conventional medications do not help me so I am...
I also take Curamin and have had wonderful results. I don't think this person is a sales rep, just someone telling their story....
Sorry for the prognosis. I personally follow a gluten-free, low sugar, low fat diet. Doesn't leave much else but boiled chicken and rice did wonders for me for years. Good luck!...
I follow a gluten-free, low fat, and low sugar diet. I also keep spices to a minimum....
I take Premier One (2 capsules per day.) This is the only one offered in pill form through the local health food store....
pb4 I also noticed great results from the bee propolis. In fact, I think I got the idea from you in a post that I started when I first joined back in October asking for help on herbal...
I have been off meds since November and am actually on my way to remission. I have been on most classes of medications since I was first diagnosed when I was 8. The last medication I was on was a...
I started acupuncture in November and although the results are slower than with traditional medication, I truly believe that I am seeing results. My acupuncturist allows me to visit her community...
I know a few of you are trying the tumeric root but I thought I would add that I am having some really good results with a product by EuroPharma called "Curamin". For the past few days I've only gone...
Shadam I think the greatest improvement I have seen over the years has been doctors attitude towards the treatment of UC. I was diagnosed when I was 8. Not many doctors in the area that I grew up in...
I was diagnosed with UC in 1981. I have tried all medications (except for the anti TNF class) and I too am allergic to sulfa medications. My flare right now is becoming mild. Until this past...
I followed the SCD for about two months. It helped a little bit but was very hard to follow. The trouble I found with the diet was getting enough fat into the diet. I lost a lot of weight on this...
After high school I danced professionally with a ballet company for about 5years and then decided that I preferred teaching dance. Now I am the associate director of a non-profit youth ballet...
I was diagnosed when I was 8 so I don't think it's terribly uncommon to hit children. Conventional medications have failed me so I am exploring more natural alternatives. I recently added a product...
My doctor recommended this drug also but I was scared since it was only just approved by the FDA in April 2008. Please let me know how the drug is helping you. Good effects/ bad effects....
I have been seeing an acupuncturist since November and I really feel like it has helped tremendously. This person is very experienced and has treated others with similar problems as my own. I went...
As a kid, I spent almost 3 straight years on high doses of prednisone. A "new therapy" my doctor called it. I refuse it take it any more....
Like Judy, I have also been flaring for 5 years....
My doctor wanted me to try Cimzia which is approved for the treatment of Crohns and not UC but works the same as both Remicade and Humira. He talked to the drug rep and they were willing to give me...
I have great student health insurance through my husband. He is still in school and does not have to pay for himself but his coverage is the same as mine. The only pain is having to get my meds...
I love Christmas. Enough said....