Hey Probiotic, It's the least i could do to try and help anyone’s situation, even if it's just a small amount. I hate this disease and God knows i used my share of valuable information from here...
Hi LuckyLindy, That’s a very interesting method of performing a fecal transplant, however i never heard of anyone trying that let alone even many trying it via enema. It sounds like you are aware of...
Oh and another thing, Docs won't tell you about VSL3 because that’s not what they use for therapy. That’s exactly what my GI told me. My GI Doctor discussed it with me only after i brought it up....
Well i don't know why it does nothing for some, perhaps they are not taking enough? VSL3 is actually the only manufactured probiotic that has gone through many vigorous testing and trials that are...
I understand where your coming from in terms of getting your girlfriend tested. I had to go through this with my brother's doc and fortunately he ordered the tests for my brother without any...
Well depends on what "good bacteria" you are talking about. The good bacteria from human feces can heal your UC and stop the bleeding and maybe if your lucky cure your disease. You have to be in...
Actually there not that far off from each other. Fecal transplant otherwise known as Human Probiotic Infusion is the ultimate probiotic. The difference is the probiotics in human feces have the...
Probiotic, No problem at all! Actually because i'm from Canada 99% of these tests were covered under our health care system. There was only one or two that had required a fee and i didn't test for...
Try taking 4 or 5 packets of VSL3 per day. I know it gets expensive but it works wonders. You will never get enough bacteria from just eating yogurt...
As requested, here are the required blood and stool tests for HPI therapy. Human Probiotic Infusion Blood work and stool testing for patients and donors • BLOOD A) HIV B) HEP A IgM, HEP B,C...
I have been on the SCD and have been taking multiple probiotics for YEARS, and I am still symptomatic, and pred-dependent now to prevent constant flaring. Much as I believe in starving bad bacteria...
I can not say for sure but i have heard that using a newborn's feces may not contain all the benificial bacteria as a fully devloped healthy adult would, however this appears not to ring true...
Thanks for posting that, MAD. I have been seriously thinking about[b] doing fecal therapy myself, having read all of Borody's articles in full text. I would like to do it "home-brewed" using my...
The protocol isn't available on the website, however if you call the clinic and make an appointment for a phone consultation they would provide you with one and alot more valuable information...
Everyone who has this problem knows how difficult it is to live with, some more then others unfortunately. I can only voice my opinion here in hopes to further the research and development of new...
This is my first post here and i cannot begin to tell you how frustrated i get when reading alot of people’s testimonials. I'll tell you why later. I was diagnosed with UC over 2 1/2 years ago. It...