Thank you for replying...I'm on Lialda and Imuran...I also just got back on Cimzia....
Hi! Thanks so much for the reply! I'm having a ligation done...ever heard it called a LIFT but since you've already had the plug done, it must be the same. The surgeon is going thru the internal and...
Hi all, I have a perianal fistula. I had a drain put in last month but they are going back in to do a ligation. Can anyone tell me what to expect? I saw on another forum that it really smells after...
I'm still havings a lot of abdominal pain in the mornings, but I don't want to take narcotics. I've tried Bentyl but it does nothing. Obviously can't take Motrin as it tough on my stomach. Can anyone...
Hello all, I was just to know if anyone has had luck with Cimzia. I currently take 2 Humira pens every 2 weeks, 150 mg Imuran, and 2 Lialdas once a day, a probiotic, and Omega 3. I still have awful...
Thank you all SO much for your responses and suggestions. You have no idea what the kindness of strangers means to me....
There is also Pentasa and Colozal, they're like Lialda....
Thank you very much for your response. I have been on Effexor in the past. Just a FYI, if you ever decide to come off it, please make sure you do it very slowly in small amounts. Thanks again! :)...
Try googling the Healthwell Foundation. They have a list of dieases that they give financial help with medications. Last time I checked UC wasn't on the list (although Crohns was), but they add and...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif Hi, I have had UC for about a year and a half now. I'm on 2 Humira pens every 2 weeks, 150mg Imuran, Lialda, and starting to ween off Prednisone after being on it for...