Thanks for the reply mudua, sorry they didn't help you. You just never know with this stuff what works and what doesn't. Zurich...
Do you take the full recommended dose of 3 per day (307mg each tablet)? Did you experience any side effects? Just wondering if I should start out with two per day to break myself in or if Boswellia...
Kops2da - a professional skater - imagine that now with your knees!...
Good Bless you Donna you made it. I still have one more cup to go and I am now officially five minutes late with it. By the way Donna .... Good Luck tomorrow and hope you have good results with your...
I'm with Supersaw too. I recall seeing that stuff before my diagnosis ... Zurich...
Oh I don't know guys this is getting very touch and go over here. I just finished up the second cup of the second liter. I have two more cups to go. Problem is that at this point it is taking...
Ok, I just finished my first cup on my second liter. I like you Judy am running clear but I am going to finish up this second liter cause I don't want to be told tomorrow that I am not properly...
Great, now the dog wants me to stop what I'm doing and feed him ... what do I look like a magician? Oh know, next liter is coming around in 20 minutes (I may HAVE to be a magician to get that down)...
Ok, in the msit of all my pain I come across a brain storm .... You know when you have the colonoscopy done they give you that drug that makes you forget everything that happened. They need to give...
Ok, just finished my fourth glass making 1 liter. Judy, I need help here, I am feeling so bloated I am honestly wondering how the heck I can get down another liter in an hour and a half. Packardez -...
2nd cup down ... who ever discontinued the phososoda ought to be shot. One bottle of that stuff and you were good to go. 2 liters is too much to drink. Honest to heaven - if this isn't what the...
All right ... first glass of Movi Prep down .... how many more do I have to Judyi - something like 50? Zurich...
Hi TAM, I remember you from 2007. We both had a colonoscopies about a month apart so we were diagnosed at the same time. If it were me having those symptoms I would have another scope done ... see...
That's a fact Jack Dr-A. I got two liters of Movi Prep chilling and am wondering if I will be able to get to the second one in refrigerator after I finish up the first. I am telling you - this is...
You know Red I could of swore my Easy Bake oven was blue. Do you recall what color yours was. My fondest childhood memory was the summers. I had a best friend. We use to spend them playing house with...
Hi Max, When I had my first colonoscopy done in 2005 I had very minimal symptoms, so much so that most people would of not had a reason to see the doc. But, I knew something wasn't right. The scope...
Get out of Dodge! I didn't know that .... you know some people talk about not taking the full dose because they are smaller in size so they don't have to. Personally I thought that as long as you...
Ah thanks Judy, I recall you just did the MoviPrep yourself .... so you should know! Zurich...
I was diagnosed with mild UC via scope in 2005. For two years because it was so mild I wasn't on any meds. However, then I started seeing blood and mucus. Had another scope in 2007 for that and the...