sorry, that med info is out of date. haven't used the ultrainflam-useless. hopefully signature info is now up to date. i don't know why it posted on some of my msgs but not others....
I am using the 5asa's, 3-4x/wk, rrather than nightly....
symptoms: multiple trips to bathroom throughout day (10-20 throughout) first part of the day I see actual bm (2-4x/ morn); remainder if day is some small bm, usually just gas and mucous. Some...
OK, so after 4 mos of vicious flaring (and on-again, off-again for past 2-3 years), I finally bit the bullet and started Azathioprene (100mg) in Dec 2010. Pretty soon after I started, the edge came...
Ok, so I was last on here several months ago, dealing with choice of moving on to Imuran, as I have been in and out of flares for the previous two years. At some point I read about the spinach and...
When I first went gluten free, it was difficult emotionally. all those yummie foods on the grocery store shelf...all forbiden. And then to be at work or social functions and not to allow myself to...
I know that many people have had success with elimination diets, but to me, there are so many variables involved and such a diet seems to me so onerous, that I am glad I was able to be tested for...
Right after I was DX'd I had my self tested for food sensitivities and allergies. Came back with multiple sesnsitivities...the big ones, that's right... dairy and gluten. That was a really difficult...
Yeah, I think that's right (regarding the dosage and transplants and such). Also I agree that a lot of these forums can be skewed in the negative. There is an interesting presentation posted at the...
OK, so I was dx'd about six yrs ago w/crohn's colitis which turns out to be UC. Fought this vile creature off with a combination of Asacol on both ends (I ride the white tiger!), a gluten-free and...