Hi Christine 1946 Im soooo glad I read your post about the blood being the last to let go... I was diagnosed with left sided UC in Jan of 2009 and have been bleeding since. nothing seems to stop the...
yes.... before I was diagnosed with IC, I went to the gyno for a vaginal and a urine culture because I was sure I had a UTI and the cultures came out negative all the time.... so I decided to see a...
i was recently diagnosed with mild IC. i have also had vaginal pain, discomfort, burning after urination , discomfort during intercourse and a bit of blood in my urine all the time. my Uro told me to...
When my doctor told me that I had to take 6mp since I was unable to tolerate all mesalamine meds, I cried for a day or two after reading the side effects which are 4 pages long.... i had to weigh the...
bleed alot. mostly same as the above comments. during a bad flare, more blood than poop.... lots of pain during a bowel movement to a point where i sweat all over from the pain.......
Killcolitis, I love your screen name as i wish that was possible!!! I really hope there will be a cure for colitis one day......
I've been in a flare for the past year and a half. had two colonoscopies done within 10 months of one another. felt the exact same way as you in terms of taking the imminusuppressands. tried Lialda,...
Can Benadryl cause flares by any chance?...
I get that way often since I started taking 6MP. I especially feel that way when having a bowel movement during a flare up!! Tylenol is what helps me through it as well.... it also happens to me...
Recently suffered from pain below left rib age as I felt a serious flare coming on. The pain went away after a couple of days and alot of burps... I had no idea what the pain was until I read all the...