Question, I was recently dx with UC. My mom had it for 20 yrs and then got a j-pouch. I too am concerned about the "quality of life" factor. (aka - living with UC for the Rest of my life!?) My mom is...
I'm about the same age as you and was just dx. a month ago. Sure I cried, yeah I wonder what it'll be like when I'm ready to have kids, but like the others said you can't let it control your life. Or...
I was just diagnosed with UC and with all my research, seems like I'll have to give up my coffee. Not only the coffee, but the alcohol too!? I'm not an alcoholic by any means and I don't drink coffee...
I too was recently dx with UC. It does suck! I'm still not at the point where I am ok with it, but I know I'll get there and so will you. Yes, it is something that is going to change the way we live...
I am having back pains right now as we speak. Mine is not lower right, it's really the whole lower back. I have been dealing with C-diff on top of a month long flare up. When I went to my GI doc...
Thanks again you guys! I do feel like the Vancomycin is beginning to help. I'm definately going less frequently. Which honestly the first night home from the hospital was awful. Felt the same as...
Bananagirl, What did you do about working when you had C-diff. My doctors don't want me to return until I am symptom free. They said to stay home for 2 weeks and we'll have a follow up visit to see...
Wow, I sincerely thank all of you so much for your words of encouragement! I thought that because my post was so long that surely no one would read it, but you guys are awesome. It truly brings a...
Hey guys! My name is Emily. I am a healthy 24 year old who is engaged, has a great job as a certified dental assistant and my fiance and I are currently looking to purchase a house. Everything in my...