I've been experiencing queasiness in the mornings while I'm getting ready for work and in the evenings just before dinner. For me there is definitely a pattern with the amount of time I go without...
It is throughout my entire colon. I guess it is worth mentioning to my doc at least, because I'm really trying to avoid getting on Imuran if possible....
I have been doing research on my RX options and ran across a few articles that say some people who have an intolerance to mesalamine are able to tolerate Colazal. I have tried taking Lialda and...
I was always tired and got a headache after my Humira injections, so I would take them on Friday nights so it wouldn't interfere with work....
Thanks so much for replying so quick! I think I need to clarify the whole biologic dilemma. I have been on Enbrel which is very similar to Humira for about 9 years and it is a miracle drug for my...
I am new to this forum and UC and at this point I desperately need some advice, support, suggestions or whatever help I can get! I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with UC throughout my entire colon...