A piece of advice for anyone using Moviprep - Make the stuff up and refrigerate it and get it as cold as you possibly can. When you measure out each dose, suck on 3 or 4 of the sour lemonhead candies...
The first couple colonoscopies I've had, I had to use the Fleet Phosphosoda. That stuff was awful. I don't even think they make it or sell it anymore. The last one I used Moviprep. I have never had...
I just started the Aza on June 30th - 100 mg per day, and I'm also taking it at night to try and avoid the nausea. I could tell a bit of nausea the first week or so, but once that subsided, I can't...
It's not instant - when I had my last flare (before this one), it took about 3 months, too!...