Yea they don't always know, and I did have a copy of the scope, coffeencake it sounds like you have been through a lot. Having a gallbladder removed can be hard on the body, my dad had his removed,...
Agreed I think I need to speak with him, sometimes I think that he may not even have thought of the meds, and I have been using them, but however I ran out of them a week before the colonscopy, but a...
I just had a letter from my doctor about my last visit, and the diagnosis said I had crohns, I am a bit annoyed as I feel he either mis-entered the information into his PC or changed my diagnosis...
Yea have been. That really helps thanks for that response :)...
I had a colonoscopy and the inflammation was only present in the rectum and 25 cm in the sigmoid. I was speaking with the doctor about this and he said that I had patches of inflammation. I was to...
That figures. They told me the same thing for years. That sounds like the typical sh** service I was getting. What did they prescribe you? It they have found inflammation it is not piles and is...
They should do a biopsy to determine if it is UC, then you are referred to the GI every 6 months depending on your symptoms, they do blood tests before you go see them (before your appointments) and...
I tried it, It was suppose to kill candida. As I am on the drugs and have now made a decision to never come off again, I can say I don't think it made that much of a difference. I went completely med...
Your should be referred to one, and then see one regularly. How did you get your diagnosis?...
Did the Diflucan do anything for his CD? I have believed in my past (don't know now) that UC and CD may have a lot to do with candida, I thought this because I went on an anti- candida diet and my...
Hi BezzyUC, You are in a similar situation as myself. My diet is no longer getting rid of my bleeding and now I may need to go onto Imuran or Remicade. The doctors don't think that I will respond to...
Hi Dingleeire I was interested in your post. How long did your son take the Diflucan for? What was the milligrams he taking? Have you ever heard of FLUCONAZOLE before? it is suppose to be the generic...
It did not do anything for me....
Bye Bye, I am so glad to hear a good story as I have heard so many bad ones. The doctors I go to do not give a good impression of it, and in some ways I would rather do the surgery now, while the...
I am trying the enemas and have re-ordered the salofalk, but they seem to irritate it rather than help it. It is funny because I used the suppositories before and they used to help....
ByeByeUC You post good things about the surgery but also have difficulty with iron, is that from the surgery? Do you have any regrets about having the surgery? Or has it gotten your life back. I am...
Do you still use the enemas?...
My signature is not updated, I am no longer on pred....
Hi everyone, My diet is no longer working. Maybe because I tried to introduce foods and it made another flare up, I don’t know, but I reduced all my foods again, down to a bear minimum, and still...
I only have 3 days of pred left. I have had a small amount of symptoms like when I firstly reduced the I felt like I did no know when I would be needing the loo. This was only in the mornings but now...
would the 5mg make me moody? or stressed?...
I am now on 5mg of pred and I still feel uneasy and stressed and tired. It must be just me and not the pred as I am on only 5mg, but I am not sure. Also today my rectum feels like is may explode and...
have seen her blogs on youtube. I believe she has a j pouch because she was firstly diagnosed with UC and then they did the J-pouch and she was re-diagnosed with crohns....
That is what the doctor told me.. He said I may have loose stools when I drop to 10mg and 5 mg, so far I have not....
I have 1 more week of prednisone and then it is finished. I am now on 5mg-- I am still ok with no symptoms... I hope it stays...
Cool imagardener2 thanks for your post. Do you think I was stupid to show that I was upset that they were not going all of sudden, and to show I felt let down? I did not mean to get emotionally...
I mentioned I was thinking about doing the crohns and colitis walk to another colleague who I was working with. I was only thinking about this, but she wanted to do it too and it turned into a...
There is a manager I work with who is on the Paelo. She has crohns and is not on any meds. I have done a strict low carb diet for ages and a program which I paid a lot of money for to rid, bacteria’s...
This sounds similar to myself. I had really bad stomach craps and loose stools when taking Pentasa, now I am taking Olsalazie and have not had any problems. You may want to ask them about changing...
Wow!! Thanks goodness for the NHS in the UK where you don't have to pay....
Thanks for this post my teeth have been sensitive and hurting lately. I thought I had a cavity or something but I tried a gluten free cookie and man It really hurt my teeth. Rising with cold water...
I just had several comments on facebook saying the same thing....
Lately I have been really moody, I have been feeling really down and cannot stop thinking that everyone hates me. This started when I took the pred, has anyone experienced sever moodiness on this...
I have 2 more days on 25mg then I drop to 20mg. I am almost half way there....
I will be on 20mg on prednisone tomorrow and at present I am still symptom free. I hope it stays that way....
The doctors told me a lot of people who have UC feel better after being treated with antibiotics. I wish they would put more research into bacteria’s and UC. I don’t know what is the cause of mine...
I went gluten free years ago. Now I am on low carb and am including more foods but I found giving up gluten at the time made my asthma better and gave me more energy, but as for the bleeding and...
This is weird to say but I am kind of glad I got it. I was having bloody mucus since Christmas and I was using the rectal drugs but I seemed to be fighting with them and still having blood. I had...
I did a really basic low carb diet for 3 ½ years and I can say that it kept the disease from spreading but as for my rectum food does not make a difference. I never got the rectum to stop having...
I started to introduce more into my diet now.. but am on pred still because of this.....
Oh no!!!!! I just got over the same thing and was in hospital for a week because of this. Nothing but bloody diarrhea and going 20 times a day. I didn’t run a fever though and as soon as they gave me...
I have been really moody with my poor husband as well....
I am now on 35mg and tomorrow I start on 30mg...
I really feel I could eat anything I want without troble right now. I haven't but I do want to....
Since doing this pred I have been feeling so tired. Has anyone else experienced this??...
The rectum was my only bit that did not respond to the diets. But interesting enough I was put on an antibiotic called Erthromycin to clear food poisoning and now my rectum has no symptoms. Could be...
I have started to eat more yoghurt and fruit. I have also had some sun dried tomatoes and 1 piece of fruit cake. I have not had any symptoms so far!!! I hope it stays this way. I am now on 35mg of...
I do low a low carb diet which is really similar, but I don’t bother with the grass fed meats. I have someone who I work with says it keeps her crohn’s down (she does the paleo diet). I can certainly...
Oh. I think that is what she has but not all the time, she says in is not yellow or white it is just clear. I had to use pads because I used to get so much yellow mucus. I am in remission now. I got...
What kind of mucus do you get? I have had white mucus that looks like toilet paper, yellow and when I had my first flare up it was green. What does yours look like. Sorry I know this is not the most...