Does anyone know if a genital herpes flare can cause a colitis flare?...
I was wondering if anyone has seasonal flare ups. It seems to me that I almost always have problems when the fall season starts....
My ex-gastro gave me sulfasalazine because I told him that is what worked 20 years ago when I was first diagnosed. Unfortunately he recently passed away so I am going to see a new gastroenterologist...
I've heard from both my insurance company, regular doc and gastroenterologist that I need to have bloodwork and a urinalysis done because sulfasalazine can cause kidney damage. I am currently on 6...
Thanks for the advice. How is the Lialda working for you?...
Also, does anyone think stress is a factor to make things worse?...
I think I need a new doctor. Lately I have been having cramping very low down then slight diarrhea. I really think that is from nerves. My doctor said diet doesn't have anything to do with colitis. I...
Isn't that what Rowasa is? I was on Canasa but it didn't do anything. The Rowasa definitely slowed down the bleeding almost right away but I still bleed a couple of times a week. I have been using...
Hi, It's been awhile since I've posted on this forum. I have had my second flare up in 25 years. It started about 8 months ago. I am on 6 sulfasalazine a day and had 3-3 week doses of Rowasa. I still...
Thanks everyone for your advice and suggestions! It really helps me feel better mentally. One question I have is does anyone feel that extra fiber is needed. I am getting to the point that sometimes...
I asked the doctor for Rowasa and got the generic today. He is keeping me on 6-500mg's a day of the Sulphasalazine plus the Rowasa nightly. If the bleeding doesn't stop in 3 weeks he is going to put...
Thanks Sherry. I definitely will. I was on Canasa by itself before the sulfasalazine. It worked for a few days and then stopped. Which do you recommend. I was going to ask for Rowasa. From what I...
Hi, I have been bleeding more with normal bm's. Still have bloody mucous. On 6 sulfasalazine's for now. No rectal med's. Just started a new job a few weeks ago and already had to call in sick today....
Well, I've been on the sulfasalzine, 6 per day for almost 3 weeks now. Was doing ok but still a little blood and mucous. That is, until today. I had a tiny bit of a salad last night and today I...
Last night for the suppositories, then 6 sulfasalazine's per day....
HI All, called the doc today. Spoke with the nurse. Said no for now for Rowasa. Said sulfasalazine, 2 3x a day should be enough to stop the bleeding. Said if I am still bleeding after being on 6 a...
Thank you Songlady. I will try some probiotics, probably over the counter. I am calling my doc tomorrow to see if I can get some Rowasa....
I know, I learned my lesson! Do probiotics really help?...
I was just lucky I guess! I stayed on the sulfasalazine 500mg. I took 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening plus a folic acid supplement. I stopped taking all meds about 2 years ago and was fine...
Thank you for both of your quick replys. The results of my biopsies were negative. The colonoscopy was done when I was having diarrhea but before the bleeding started. My doc only gave me Canasa once...
Hi, I am new to the forum. I am having my 1st flare up after being in remission for about 25 years. I think it started due to taking antibiotics. I have been on Casasa once a day before bedtime and...