I agree with you quincy. Regarding the polyps neither my parents or anyone in their family had a colon problems so that is puzzling to me.... but i suggested that my brother get a c-scope just to be...
YEa I am on zantac (along with cutting back completely on coffee , high acid stuff and beer). Doc has given me a Rx for Dexilant a new and improved PPI but I havent started it yet cuz i dont want to...
The polyps were tubuvillous (but were benign) which are not good. The reason for gastritis is high stomach pH level . my GI did the biopsies and diagnosed mild chornic gastritis....
Had an apt with my GI on Friday. All my biopsies including for colon and TI came out negative for IBD and Celiac. The bleeding and mucus was from a big Polyp. Will have to get a follow up c-scope...
Yep the GI removed both the polyps, I will. -Thanks...
Thanks for the replies. I dont have diarrohea or constipation(occasional loose stools here and there but nothing that followed a pattern).I probably go twice a day, but lataley I have been seeing a...
Yep this was my first colonoscopy and I have never been diagnosed with UC (or any other GI problem) . My main symptoms were blood and mucus in stool which IMO would have shown inflammation during...
I am using suppositories now. I am very confused about all this. I was under the impression that a GI would be able to tell me after c-scope if its UC or not. I wonder how a colon can look normal and...
Yea my only symptoms are bleeding and mucus. So it could be UC without colon inflammation visible during colnoscopy ? Thats whay confusing , cuz I thought Colitis is inflammation of colon. Are you...
Hi all I have not been diagnosed with anything yet. I finally had my colnoscopy yesterday to investigate blood and mucus in my stool. The doctor did not find any inflammation anywhere and told me the...
Sorry you had to go through the bad experience, hope everything turns out fine. I can understand how hard it is to tolerate rude people . I loose my temper over all that when i run into stupidness......
I had really similar symptoms. No pain , no diarohea just small amount of blood and mucus. I am still waiting on my biopsy results. How are you doing now and how old are you if you dont mind me...
Hope everything works out well for you. I know people who have very mild symptoms for years and can very effectively manage their UC. You said you had a lot of inflammation, what were your symptoms...
I am having bloating (mainly in the upper abdomen and some near the belly button) and vague abdominal discomfort immediately after eating. Antacids doesnt seem to help much. I am not sure if this...
I started low residue diet and am trying to do all the things before my GI appointment. I am not yet diagnosed with UC. I was wondering if brownish mucus with loose stools is a common feature of UC...
Thanks for the link quincy. Also can an absence of diarohea or constipation and one bowl movement a day signify UC ? Is urgency a common symptom ? I had some infectious colitis about three months ago...
Thanks for replies guys. My GI seems to think that internal hemmies can cause mucus as well . Another few things: The color is mostly bright red. the color resembles fresh blood if i were to cut...
I have a quick question , Can Internal Hemmeroids cause mucus. I notice mucus in my stools without blood (specially after eating certain foods) but then when I go again and strain a bit , I see blood...
I noticed that for the most part I have blood and mucus when I strain. Can internal hemmeroids cause mucus and anal itching as well ? I am having all typical symptoms of mild IBS so just wondering if...
@ rbartolo .good point ! it very well could be . These symptoms seems fairly generic for a bunch of different ailments. I will talk to my doctor about gluten senstivity -thanks...
That's comforting to hear...
I have been seeing a gatstro and am scheduled for a colonoscopy on Aug 2nd. Just trying to stay calm till then. I am trying to prepare myself for colitis which i think should be mild right now since...
Hi there ; This forum is great and people seem very helpful and caring, so i thought to post my question here : I am 34 m from india , been living in states for aboue 10 years now. about 2 months ago...