Thank you so very much kswiss44...this is the info I was really wanting. I have been on it now since April. I just received my 2nd 2 month maintenance. I have to say that this is actually working &...
My G.I. said he would have the infusions stopped in my 8th month. I have already been to the Otis website...was really hoping to get real life experience. My gi said that he recently had a patient...
I'm working on getting pregnant & wondered if any other woman has been on remicade & had a healthy pregnancy and baby? I finally seem to be in remission after they removed some...
I'm working on getting pregnant & wondered if any other woman has been on remicade & had a healthy pregnancy and baby?...
Try some hemmoridal medicated wipes. They sting when wiping but give sooooo much long lasting relief because they have pain medication in them. It truly helps a lot especially if you are having...
I have actually been on HD for awhile & have had no problems with it. Sometimes when I forget to eat my stomach might hurt and for the constipation issues you might want to try a probiotic....
Thank you Momuc19. Was beginning to think I was just over reacting about everything but I'm just tired of being run down & not being able to go out and get a job. Hope your daughter is better soon....
Funny, he never really told me. He just told me it was UC & I have to drive an hour to the appointment to see him for 15 maybe 20 minutes for him to just tell me to keep taking my meds. I'm really...
Yes, my gastro told me that. He has me on 8 Asacol pills a day (4 in the a.m. & 4 in the p.m.). I am grateful you told me that because I thought I was just being a complainer and a hypochondriac....
I am really curious about what remission is considered to be for ulcerative colitis. I am still going to the bathroom on some days up to 7 - 10 times a day and it's pretty painful. Also, there is...