I heard there was a tablet you could put in your pouch to help with the air from gas or something? But every health store I go and ask about they say it is not sold in pill form...?...
What about corn or rice chex cereal? I know she shouldn't have corn but is that the same? Chex box says whole grain enriched is that bad?...
Thanks for all the advice guys, I am passing it on and hopefully he will try it out!...
Yes he has shown improvement, he can get out of bed and walk on his own and such, it's just his stomach is hurting trying to get back on food. Although I think the hospital started him a little quick...
Wasn't sure what to put for description! My brother has UC and recently had a flare up and they admitted him to the hospital a few days ago. They of course have him on iv steroids to calm his insides...
Yes she is walking, I am just not sure how much as she lays in bed a lot because her stomach hurts. But I am going to pass this information on to her later today, I think the massage and grape juice...
Thanks guys, and yes it has been crazy for sure. My mom's doctor said her issues are normal it is just because of the operation she is swollen inside and has no fat so the opening is narrow and has a...
ThAnks guys, she saw the doc today and had a cat scan, waiting to hear the results. In the mean time my 25 year old brother was admitted to the hospital today for the denydration his colitis flare up...
I am searching for help from those of you with experience with this. My mom had her permanent ileostomy with outside pouch one month ago. She has been home since Thanksgiving. Over the last probably...