An update for anyone wondering, everything went fine. Drank mostly Vodka and Rum, but I did have a beer or two at one point. I didn't feel too poorly the next day at all and especially not like the...
I've been getting regular bloodwork done and my liver enzymes are fine while my Vitamin D is slightly low. Gonna give it a go tonight and see how I'm feeling tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback...
Hi, I just recently graduated from college a few months ago, and when me and my friends from college get back together we like to do all the stuff we did in college (drinking). I've been on Imuran...
Thanks for the suggestions everybody, I'll mention them to my GI when I see him on Friday. I was on Bifera before this, it seemed to agree with me more, but the pharmacy stopped carrying it for...
So I started Humira and am currently in remission, but it appears my iron is still low after a recent blood test. The iron pill I'm on is ferrous sulfate and I think it's making me more flatulent and...
Thanks guys, from what i hear it seems to work for most people, and I'm really hoping this is it. I'm tired of paying for nothing lol...
So after trying Prednisone, Lialda, and Asacol to no avail my GI has decided to try Humira in an attempt to force my UC into remission. Just yesterday I did the pre-Humira TB test and blood tests....
Ok sweet, thanks for the help!...
This sounds almost exactly like my situation, aside from the vomiting (I've only vomited if I didn't eat enough with my prednisone). I'll look into the Prilosec as I'm willing to do anything that...
The ulcers were found during an endoscopy...
Hi, I'm currently on 10 mg a day of Prednisone (down from 40), 1 multigen plus caplet, and 4 Lialda a day for my ulcerative colitis. Apparently it is backed up so far in my colon that it has resulted...
I should have clarified, I got a new GI who wants to assess the damages for himself....
SO I was diagnosed with UC in June of this year after a colonoscopy, my GI put me on Lialda 4x a day just around Thanksgiving after someone else originally misdiagnosed me with proctitis. I've had a...