What's the difference between dysplasia and an adenoma polyp?...
Currently, my UC is under control and is limited to lower left-sided. It has never gotten much worse than that since my initial diagnosis. Worse I ever got was 8 bm's a day and severe weight loss. My...
I had my last colonoscopy in August of 2016 with my current gastroenterologist. During that colonoscopy, she found one small adenoma polyp which was removed. Everything else looked good. I am 39 y/o...
How much VSL#3 should I start with daily?...
Currently taking Generic Colazal (3pills 3x day) and nightly Rowasa enemas and still bleeding with diarrhea. And thats after weening off Prednisone 2 months ago. I would just like to explore the...
Thanks Fruitgirl...I am familiar with the CCFA but have not checked them out yet...good luck Rich...if I get some info, I'll pass it along to you....
Just curious about the natural remedies everyone has tried. Please let me know the specific names and doses...and if they really worked or not. Thanks....
Does anyone know where I can find support groups near Indianapolis? If you know of any resources where I can find this info, please let me know. Thank you....
Thanks do much for all your wonderful advice. I know I still have options, but I feel I am running short on time before this flare gets worse from tapering the prednisone....
I have so many questions, but I will start here so I don't overwhelm. I will post my other questions soon. I am currently flaring after being diagnosed with UC in April 2011. This is my second flare...
Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful and insightful responses. It really helps being able to communicate with others going through the same thing I am. I look forward to spending a lot of time on...
I was first diagnosed with UC in April of 2011 and I am looking for answers from fellow UC sufferers as I cannot seem to get the answers I am looking for from my GI doc. Had a colonoscopy on April...