Well, to my knowledge, I wasn't flaring. They only way I found out was from the colonoscopy yesterday....
I don't have copies of past scopes. And, I don't know the original location extent of my original diagnosis. The only thing that I really remember is when I was 21. I had to be hospitalized because I...
I was originally diagnosed with UC when I was 20. So, that was 34 years ago. I've had numerous colonoscopies. My last one was three years ago, and it was good. I was rather surprised (and now a...
So, it sounds like there might be some concern about Crohn's since there are "skip" areas where it's inflamed, normal, inflamed, etc. If I had Crohn's, wouldn't I be more sick? I thought symptoms of...
I was told by my GI doc yesterday that I can NEVER take NSAIDs again and that I should contact my primary care doc to see what I can take. Her answer was "Unfortunately there is not anything much...
I've had ulcerative colitis for about 34 years now. I started taking probiotics in 2004 and have only had a few minor flare-ups. Here are the findings from the colonoscopy I had yesterday: FINDINGS:...