Hi guys, So I've been dealing with anxiety for quite a few years on my own and have avoided treatment. I have pretty bad health anxiety and I notice that I get easily stressed about things that may...
Hey guys, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few years ago but have been doing very well lately with no treatment. I've been relatively symptom free for about 2 years. Then 2 night's ago after...
Thanks for your response. The issue is that I'm in a smaller city and there are only 2 cardiologists nearby. They have very long wait times. I'm just very concerned that I could have had a heart...
Sorry for the novel but i just need some opinions from people who may have dealt with something similar So I've had undiagnosed health anxiety issues for a few years now.. usually surrounding my...
Sorry for the novel but i just need some opinions from people with anxiety. So I've had undiagnosed health anxiety issues for a few years now.. usually surrounding my heart, chest pains etc.. about 6...
I've been going through another rough patch lately. 28 years old. I know I have a terrible diet although not overweight or anything. I eat an extreme amount of fatty foods because I'm always on the...
I've had a rough week. Many heath anxiety issues. Yesterday was a bit better but today I woke up really tired and feel like my hands and legs are really tired.. which makes me think there's something...
Thanks for the replys. I know I was medically checked but it was 4 years ago so my anxiety makes me wonder if things could have gotten worse since then. It's so terrifying to feel like you're heart...
Thanks Liz. I feel the same. Nobody gets it in my family either. I always end up googling problems and then going off the deep end in panic over something i just read. Can't help it. Then i usually...
That's right! Just another little bump.. how many times have we felt like this and made it through? I'm sure we will make it through just fine again.. The toughest part for me is knowing just how...
Ugh.. I've had a terrible week with anxiety and it's driving me insane. The problem is, if I could only convince myself that is is 100% just anxiety, I'd be fine. I had an irregular heart rhythm last...
I'm going through this exact same feeling right now. I've had a really rough week but today felt better. I thought I was coming out the other side but then for some reason I decided to check my heart...
Sorry for such a long post :/ So I have known for quite a while that I have problems with anxiety and I've had panic attacks in the past. About 4 years ago I was having chest pains for days and...
Please excuse the following ramble So I'm a 25 year old male. Diagnosed with Ulcerative Proctitis in 2011.. I was taking Mesasal for the first 6-8 months and it helped me quite a bit.. then early...
Hi guys, I was on prednisone from june 21-sept 3. While on it I noticed that I had very fast and irregular heartbeats occasionally but I basically ignored them knowing that it is a side effect of...
Thanks for the help guys. I went to 25 and am going to speak to gi tomorrow. We will see what he says....
Before I started pred I mentioned them but he said that pred was the way to go to get it under control quickly. He is the only gi in the area so he is very busy and sees extreme amounts of patients...
I didn't drop from 40 to 20. I dropped 5 per week. But when I got to 20 is when my problems returned....
No rectal meds. My dr doesn't exactly like suggestions. And he is the only one in my area....
I started taking prednisone 4 week ago 40mg per day and tapering off by 5mg each week. I saw immediate relief. I felt 100% better after the first day and it stayed that way for 4 full weeks. But...
I am taking 2- 500mg calcium pills and 1000 iu vitamin D while taking the pred. Thanks for the well wishes! Best of luck to your daughter for her wedding as well!...
I was on Mesasal 8/day before starting the pred. The dr told me to stop the Mesasal until I see him in two week and then I assume he will have me start then back up when I am tapering. I never had a...
Thank for all the info everyone. So far I feel a million times better. Just hoping I'm gonna be one of the lucky ones who doesn't get the side effects. I appreciate all the support...
What do u mean by back up med? I was only on Mesasal and the dr told me to stop it until I see him again in 2 week and just take the pred.....
So I took my first dose this morning. I have been dealing with as much as 15 D bm's a day for over 3 weeks. It bothered me through the night last night as usual and this morning I took my first dose....
Thanks for all the info everyone. I'm just nervous about the weight gain and stuff.. Wedding pics will be around forever. Don't wanna mess them up lol. I've lost 15 lbs in the past 4 weeks so i can...
Hey guys. Ive been flaring badly for 4 weeks and was given my first prescription for prednisone. Starting at 40mg and tapering 5mg less per week. My question is... How long does it usually take...
Thanks so much...
Ok I will see if he will let me give that a shot. Seems like there are less side effects than with prednisone. Thanks a lot!...
Steroid enemas such as what?...
Yes. I did 21 nightly 4g pentasa. Very little relief if any at all. I am just worried about the side effects of prednisone. I feel like some of them are worse than what I have now....
The dr put me on pentasa enemas for 3 weeks along with the Mesasal but with little relief, he took me back off and told me that if I wasn't responding to the oral meds or the enemas, that the next...
Hey everyone. I am a 24 yr old male who was diagnosed with UP almost a year ago. I currently take 8 500mg of Mesasal tablets per day. I have been going through periods of ups and downs and just had a...