Hello all- These past few days I have experienced fevers, chills, feeling faint, nausea, and extreme shaking. My head overall feels heavy and headache-y, as if it is congested, but my nose is not...
I tapered from 40mg of pred with 5mg increments and I went all the way down from 5, to 2.5, to taking 2.5 every other day for a week before I stopped taking it all together. Tapering off of pred is...
After finally tapering off of pred about 5 weeks ago, I am in an other flare up and meds (Ascol) I had been taking for the last few months is not doing anything for me anymore. I started taking 40 mg...
I'm actually in the middle of a flare up and I just got my flu shot this past Friday. For some reason my arm wasn't even sore and it did not affect me in any weird way, I just felt a little more...
That'a a bummer. :( Luckily as much as I absolutely HATE prednisone, at least it will hold me out. Works great for my symptoms, not so nice with the side effects....
Update. My doctor called me and wants to put me back on 40mg of prednisone. How unexcited I am. But this is just very temporary until I begin Remicade. Hope the side effects of the prednisone aren't...
Thank you for all of your responses. I found them all helpful! Garylouisville, I'm not going to lie, as a college student my diet isn't the best in the world. I do make sure to eat three meals a day...
Hello- New to the forum here. Figured I am about fed up trying to talk to my friends about my UC because they don't fully understand how it feels, like people who have experienced it themselves know....