I always have sweet tooth. I go to Hightea or afternoon tea whenever I am on vacation or when there is new pastry shops open in the city. I still love desserts but not the western type cuz it's too...
How did you cope psychologically and emotionally? Besides talking to people or friends. Little down or low mood at present...
I do notice one thing in common, the age of people who diagnosed with bowel related problem ( such as crohn or UC ) is in a much younger age than before. Crohn disease is more severe than UC. For me,...
My story is complicated and I believe it's from delay of treatment. I live in Canada but you probably heard the waiting time to see a spec list in GI field is 3-6 months. For me, when I first had the...
Thanks for your sharing your expeience. Before dr diagnosed that your inflammation is moving to right side of colon, during this period or years, did your life style or diet or anything Changed? My...
Jojo, sorry to hear from your story. You mention that you lived in Canada once , and are you living in Mexico for making money or your home country ? If possible, I still think its better for you to...
Did you take pentasa orally first or only use supp twice daily (1g every time)? How did you manage it ? Such as diet ? How were you diagnosed ? Did your dr thinks due to autoimmune disease ?...
Now to this forum, and want to share my experience, and how others have the same diagnoses or symptoms, how you cope and what meds works for you. diagnosed with UP in may 2012, symptoms includes...