Glad to hear the LDN is working! LDN is thought to work by raising natural endorphin levels. I've been using other methods to raise endorphin levels. These other ideas appear to be helping my colitis...
You might take a look at Wayne Persky's sight. He wrote a book on treatments for MC and LC and has a popular support sight for the condition. The main forum for MC can be viewed here:...
There was a meta analysis that came out a few years ago stating the common anti-depressant medications test no better than placebos. It can be read here in this JAMA write up:...
Not to talk to much on this as I agree in some respects it can come down to belief. In the Bengston article is a mention about magnetics, wondering if that might be what is helping cure cancer in...
Ewafromwarsaw, In the article Bill Bengston mentions that he has recruited other skeptical healers to try the same hand cancer mice cure. The same cancer cure result happened with the volunteers. The...
It isn't a long distance healer and it isn't UC related. I found this interesting though. It's a researcher that has been able to cure mice of two types of deadly cancer with traditional faith...
I've had luck helping symptoms of my colitis by creating energized/ EZ water. The positive health effect for me lasts a day or two. I figure after that the EZ diminishes or is used up. Hard to say. I...
If you try dietary change ideas, taking notes with a food journal, you might also take notes on how your acne situation is. I say this because there is a good amount of debate in the medical...
I have a type of colitis but not UC, so this might or might not apply with your condition. This is what I've been doing of late diet wise that has worked for me. I came up with a theory that if a...
Good luck in finding an answer for the fatigue. That has been a big problem for me over the years, overwhelming fatigue and tiredness at times. Of late I have been overcoming this problem. To be...
Wonderful to hear. Glad the LDN is helping your colitis. I've personally had good success with improving not only my stomach condition with diet and energy/ acupuncture ideas but also with improving...
I'm unfamiliar with a pediatric GI who has prescribed LDN. All doctors can prescribe LDN, but some are less willing obviously. If you have not seen the below sight it has a list of LDN compounding...
I've heard of sensible sun bathing, avoid being burnt, can lower blood pressure. It will raise vitamin D levels also. It wouldn't surprise me if some UV sun exposure thinned out the blood some. I...
I was looking for a nice Irish butter the other day at the store. Didn't find it, and even if I had I'm not sure I would have bought it though. Butter sounds delicious is my mind at the moment! I...
Thanks! I was curious about the animal vitamin A verses plant vitamin A myself. Over the winter I took cod liver oil for awhile. It didn't improve my colitis. I had high hopes! but no luck with the...
I know what you mean. I began eating more rice and fresh fruit also. I also made another change to my diet in that I began eating foods high in animal vitamin A. Below is another write up on Dr....
I know, it was unexpected when I came across his work! I read that before too, whipping patients. One of the books I read on Dr. Kempner, written by a former employee said the patient that made the...
Hate on the information BDwithUC. That is fine with me. From what I've come across and read diabetes has a good number of twists and turns. One of the more famous controversial figures in diabetes...
It is interesting reading about diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Trying to figure out what is going on can be confusing, to me at least. I have read some interesting ideas on yeast and fungal infection...
I've looked into it a little and tried a few anti fungal ideas. I think the well known and often tried for IBD conditions the SCD is based upon starving yeast and fungal growth. The theory being that...
Smith's pharmacy might be able to direct you to a doctor that prescribes LDN. They are a pharmacy that compound LDN. I saw the information on this sight:...
The last couple days I've read a few article on a reclassification of some thyroid cancers. I found them interesting so thorough to share. The definition of what is harmful cancer is, and what is...
That is so sad and tragic. It's hard to imagine the agony she must have been in, and yet it was ignored by hospital staff. Wow. That's something I've experienced with my IBD condition, with doctors...
I'm more on the cynical side also at this point. Probably a lot of announcements in the news that a cure is close at hand, not far away. In reality though probably not much significant change will...
For what ever reason synthetic B vitamins make me feel horrible. With that said, I've read of some IBD sufferers taking B vitamins and feeling better....
I've seen that also about the link between taking statins with increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The FDA issued a warning on this side effect of statins. A warning was also issued on the...
I've wondered about the different ways of raising vitamin D and how that might effect colitis. I don't know the answer, but when reading study articles sometimes this is mentioned. When raising...
Sorry about the fatigue issues you are having. That can be a huge problematic issue for me also. Somedays all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch TV. I'm to tired to do anything else. I hurt...
Maybe not all that funny, but I used to joke that a diagnosis of IBS should be renamed GOK (God only Knows) If not already you might try keeping a food journal, recording what are eating and how you...
I do not have MS. In case it could help though, an aunt of mine has MS, and so out of curiosity to learn more I read Mary Boyle Bradley's book about MS and the medication low dose naltrexone (LDN)....
The last colonoscopy I had made a mess of my stomach also. That was a number of years ago and I don't remember for sure how long it took to recover, but it was weeks if not months before I stopped...
Cute! and so true. We live in our own Gi world when it comes to our stomach condition. No one understands the horrors. I've pretty much given up on talking honestly with family members about my...
Hi Juliana, I do not personally have experience with constipation. I have family members though that do and have found Miralax helpful. Milk of Magnesia has helped them also. The active ingredient in...
That is awesome! Hope the DHEA continues to work for the many symptoms experienced. I been taking DHEA 25mg for awhile now, and while it has not been as helpful for me, for my MC condition, I've...
Sorry to read about the terrible time with vomiting you experienced after taking LDN. Avoiding and weening off opioid drugs is important before taking LDN. From the other testimonial web sight posted...
Yes, that is what I read also. I read that one would not want to take opioid pain medication while taking LDN. The LDN would cancel out the opioid pain medications effect. if it might be of...
It is going in another direction but in case it could help thought to mention you might take a look at low dose naltrexone (LDN). Naltrexone is a prescription drug used to help people over come...
Bacon and pork is a problem for me. I wish that wasn't the case. I enjoy the taste. When I eat bacon or pork for one meal for about a week my gums will swell up painfully and bleed. It is a...
I've seen a few ketogenic forms that cover the diets use for multiple reasons such as seizers, weight loss, cancer treatment, etc. One sight that specializes largely and was set up for epilepsy is...
Neat! I hope it makes it to the market place and is not overly pricey. I've worked with spectrometers in the past and realize they are not perfect in what is detected, but can be a helpful tool. I'd...
With low dose naltrexone, more on it can be seen at the sight Crohn's People write in there giving their experience. It tends to be a hit or miss medication. LDN helps some greatly as an...
I posted this in another thread, in another IBD section, but thought to mention a couple possible other options if they could help. If not already, you could ask your doctor for a prescription of low...
Nice to see! I am confused though about the mention in the article that this is the first time ever a dietary study had been done on IBD conditions. Maybe the criteria or the group conducting the...
Oh, forgot to mention, something else that you could ask the doctor about is low dose naltrexone (LDN). If you did ask to take this you would want to take LDN after you stop oxycodone. LDN raises...
I wonder if taking an anti depressant SSRI might help? Many (not all) SSRIs work in a somewhat similar manner as pain narcotics and have the side effect of constipation. SSRI's can also cause the...
That is what I have, microscopic colitis. I've found it responds to dietary changes. Most with MC that try diet changes I've read avoid wheat/gluten, then work on trying to find other trigger foods....
I used to develop the flu frequently. Once I changed my diet, avoiding grains mainly, along with getting some sensible UV sun exposure, and taking vitamin D3 aiming for a testing level around 50g/ml,...
That is the type of colitis I have, MC. It hasn't been a cure but I improved my situation by avoiding wheat, along with other grains. A few supplements have helped such as vitamin D3 aiming for a...
I've had 3 different types of allergy tests done over the years. None were helpful, or at least I have believed that to be the case. Of late I've begun a diet where I'm only eating wild caught fish...
I read the article to quickly, and see now where the mention of diet is brought up at the very end. I've found diet modification helpful with my condition. It hasn't been a cure up to this point,...