I will try your suggestions. Thank you!...
I got a chance to talk to the hematopathologist today, and his opinion is that my B cells are hyperactivated and that this is part of the autoimmune dysfunction. We will still repeat the test prior...
I've been told that the Asacol shell is sometimes expelled that way, even though the meds have been released through a split in it. It happened to me, although I never plucked it out of the bowl to...
I'm Guinea pig for a friend who is validating a test for chronic fatigue syndrome using flow cytometry. I don't believe I have CFS but they thought it would be interesting to see what showed up on my...
I also developed my first symptoms of UC after quitting smoking and an antibiotic prescription. I can say that for me, having two cigarettes a day greatly decreased my UC symptoms. I have been using...
nynj2008: Humira costs me $5/month with their copay card. https://www.humira.com/humira-complete/cost-and-copay If you have standard, non-government (Medicare, Medicaid, military) insurance they...
Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I was taken off of Remicade in December due to the dreaded antibody formation, and excruciating joint pain. Ugh! It was always a constant...
YES! My FIRST flare started after a couple of days using clindamycin, topical antibiotic for acne. I've stated so before, and for those who doubt me, look up the ad for Onexton which specifically...
Howdy! I have been in remission since early last year using Remicade then Humira (lupus-like syndrome and SEVERE joint pain caused by Remi after one year) Lately I have been under severe stress due...
Mag citrate is very tart on it's own. My last prep I used senna tablets and clear, grape flavored mag citrate. It was like a tart grape soda, and I actually didn't mind it at all....
My GI doc told me to take NSAIDs for joint pain. I told him that the doc who initially diagnosed me told me to NEVER TAKE THEM EVER AGAIN. According to current doc, that is outdated advice...not...
I am anxious to get a look at my pathology report tomorrow, but my pathologist friend already texted me that "histology is MUCH improved"! Yay! My fingers and knees do swell when I near the end of my...
momto2boys: I used the clear grape mag citrate from CVS and it was actually GOOD! Like Pucker grape schnapps, which I haven't had in years. :)...
Procedures are done...doc said I have "sunburned" colon, but there were no ulcers or bleeding YAY! I woke up crying from the anesthesia...weird. That has never happened to me before. I may have to...
I think New Year's Day is my favorite. Unfortunately, my family is on the other side of the country and my husband's is an 11 hour drive away so we usually don't get to spend holidays with either. My...
Having a colonoscopy and an endoscopy tomorrow, so doing prep today. Luckily my doc lets me do the senna plus mag citrate and I do not have to drink the gallon of slime. I have determined that my gut...
One medium bowl of popcorn does not affect my UC, but corn causes me to have serious joint pain (which I never had in the first 40 years of my life)...
Try the Remicade. Yes, it's a heavy duty med, but if you're fantasizing about ending your life due to the pain and bleeding, sounds like you need a heavy duty med. It put me into remission, but...
The ratio of the peak and the terminus really varied between people, so that was an indication that the same bacteria might be growing at different rates between people, said Segal. Indeed, when his...
I am apparently resistant to sedation. The two upper endoscopies I've had, I was completely conscious for most of the procedure. I also had a full colonoscopy while wide awake, despite being sedated....
There are some laundry pretreatment sprays available in the baby aisle, made for cloth diapers. I do not use Shout on any stain. My kids are long past being babies, but the baby stain remover works...
Besides being physically *rough*, corn is a highly inflammatory food. I can eat a little without it affecting my gut (outside of a flare) but it KILLS my joints. Even eating chips or taco shells...
The ingredient in cabbage that supposedly helps UC ( and peptic ulcers) is "vitamin U" aka S-Methylmethionine, which is an enzyme. Being an enzyme, it is largely destroyed by excessive heat, so...
And Tylenol should be ok, it's pretty much all we can take....
I like to use a probiotic with multiple beneficial species. VSL#3 is popular and Ultimate Flora has some good broad coverage products. Some antibiotics are harder on us than others....
Thank you! Glad you came back to share, and I'm wishing you continued health!...
I wish I had more time to respond, but I have to get ready for work. I used Ativan when sleep was almost impossible, and meditation helped with anxiety also feeding into the insomnia. See my recent...
Meditation was helpful for me. Not the cross-legged "om" type of meditation. It was more of a focus on breathing, self-awareness type. I learned from two apps, Calm (free mini version with paid...
I agree with the previous posts. I had horrible anxiety during my worst flare. I'm sure prednisone did not help, nor the severe anemia. I was only sleeping two hours per night. Yikes. Ativan helped...
Been wondering about you! I, too, hope you have already weathered the worst of this storm so you can get back to rainbows, butterflies and lambs :) Welcome back!...
According to my doc, I am not "catching" C diff repeatedly. It's there, in all of us, all the time. When the dysbiosis gets bad enough or when the immune system gets run down, it overtakes the gut...
I was hospitalized for a C diff flare in November when I was started on Remi. Also had FMT in the same hospitalization. Since then, I have had two flares, one caused by the Noro>C diff, and another...
Yes, C diff is awful. What amazes me is that I can be fine one day and have a full-blown infection the next. I got my doc to put in a standing order for the C diff test and give me some collection...
I used this recipe to make my own mag oil. Bought mag chloride on Amazon. Premade stuff was about $15 a bottle and I could make at least 20 bottles with the bag of mag chloride salts. Made me itchy...
Have you tried Saccharomyces boulardii? That one is supposed to be very protective against C diff. Some people do not tolerate it well, and the Diflucan would likely kill it anyway. If you're already...
Ugh, I feel terrible for you. I had one while pregnant that had to be opened. I can recommend a good antibiotic-free topical that you can try at the first sign of one...it's 3rd Rock RashBlock. (a...
I would guess this is GI upset is instigated by the antibiotics/antifungal meds. Remicade will never be able to mitigate problems caused by those. Your best bet would be to hit the probiotics hard...
I do not understand the majority of this, but I have a question. Does it make any sense at all, with regard to neurotransmitters and UC, that I feel better since being off of Wellbutrin/Prozac? My...
I'm so sorry you're having to suffer through this. I don't know what to offer that would help your symptoms, but I do know how you feel. I'm sure most of us on this forum do. If you can't take it...
That's fantastic! Congratulations to you on your newly expanded family :)...
I also think that whether or not probiotics are beneficial to individuals may lie in the root cause of their UC. I feel mine had its roots in dysbiosis, so I do feel like they are helpful. What I...
Best wishes to you! Prayers for a successful surgery and comfortable recovery. Will be nice to hear from you when you're up to it :)...
My son was my FMT donor, and the doc said it was a perfect specimen LOL. My daughter is a little constipated. She clogs the toilet almost every time she manages to go. I worry about her...she was on...
OOPS! I wrote the wrong dose in my previous post! I take a half teaspoon, not half tablespoon. Sorry about that. Will go back and edit in case someone stops reading there. And, I started at a quarter...
I perused it and it looks like a fantastic paper! Thank you, Old Mike! I look forward to reading it completely (assuming I'll not understand a lot of it)....
A small amount of magnesium supplement (I use 1/2 teaspoon Natural Calm) taken at bedtime usually helps things along for me by the time morning rolls around. Plus, it IS calming and helps me fall...
I, too am on Remicade with no immunosuppressants. My last infusion caused a reaction, so I'll take Benadryl before my next one later this month....
I am hard to sedate. At my first colonoscopy, I kept telling them "I'm awake, I feel this" and though they did give me more medicine, I was alert and in pain (cramping) the whole time. I felt...
While being treated for C diff, I always continue to have D and bleeding. Twice now in different C diff infections, just as I am finishing the Vanco or flagyl, I get a huge uncontrollable "purge". I...
I haven't been formally allergy-tested, but certain foods cause severe joint pain, most of all - corn. This is totally new to me. I've also recently had an itchy mouth after eating shrimp - also new....