Good. I hope all doctors can be this accepting one day. :) Adult patients taking up a tobacco habit should be a sign that the current treatments aren’t good enough, not that patients are crazy....
So true. :smile: My doctor, who is an otherwise extremely professional person, got mad at me for experimenting with cigarettes. Then he goes on to talk about steroids, immune-suppression and organ...
Thanks. I was hoping someone would say this....
Its good to see that someone finds it useful! :) Oh, and me too. I have a couple of Nicotiana Tabacum in the window right now. :cool: I think I’m getting the hang of the growing aspect, but I don’t...
Here are things that may affect UC via tobacco smoke (my five cents): •Nicotine acting as a hunger suppressant, substituting hunger-suppressing hormones which may in large quantities be detrimental...
Bile, gallbladder, bile-duct and liver related problems go hand in hand with UC and IBS. From : "PSC [primary sclerosing...
This is one of the reasons why I think SCD is a bit over-rated. I was off of starch for about a year. One of the hardest things I have ever quit. Thanks for the link man, really cool stuff. :)...